Chapter 8*Oct. 2 midnight*

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A/N Here's the spotify link that is their chant check it out it's so cool

*Michael's P.O.V*

I watch Raphael prepare himself for what is the most risky ritual known to us Nephilim. There's also the added risk of Gabriel finding out that we have found her and there is no doubt he well attack.
I have six others with me that are also armoured and armed. We can only hope that Gabriel does not attack but that hope well most likely be fleeting. I turn to face everyone who is at risk during the ritual. Those who perform the chant well go into a trance. Though the seven of us well do all that we can to keep everyone safe we may not succeed.
"Before we start I have something to say. I well not hold it against any of you if you wish to leave. I know I am asking a lot of you to risk your life. We seven well do everything in our power to keep you safe, but having said that I well be honest and say we may not succeed." I turn to meet everyone's eyes and what I see is a look of determination a burning flame in each and every one of them.
Jerome walks up to me, "Michael I think I speak for us all when I say we are not going anywhere. She is our salvation as well and we also well do what we can to save her. You and Raphael are not alone in this." I am overwhelmed though not surprised my clan is loyal I know I can count on them. I put my hand across my heart and bow my head and everyone does the same. "Let us begin".
I position myself and the six others in a protective stance. I am facing a window I look to Raphael. He has been with me for thousands of years driving me to the brink of insanity I well not loose him now not after all we have been through. He nods to me,"Michael you won't get rid of me that easy." He winks at me in typical Raphael style and I can't help but smile.
I turn to Jerome and nod and he starts the chant while lighting candles. As he is lightening them each one adds their voice to the chant it becomes like a wave in the ocean that grows before hitting the coast. I see Raphael kneel in the reflection in the window and his head falls forward it has begun.

*Raphael's P.O.V*

When Jerome starts the chant I kneel beside Carmen and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and then I feel a pull in my chest then the chant fades away. I look around and there's pure darkness.
I stand up and listen. I can hear her very faintly,"Carmen can you hear me?!" I listen and she's crying I walk towards the sound but I can't see her. "Carmen!!"

*Carmen's P.O.V*

It's so cold and dark. Where am I? It is so quiet. It's the kind of silence that chills you down to the marrow in your bones. I start to run I of course have no idea where I'm going. When that doesn't help I just scream. I fall to my knees.,"Please someone help me!!!!"

*Gabriel's P.O.V*

I sit at my desk and all of a sudden a strong wind blows through my window. "Uriel?" "Yes brother?"
"Is it just me or do you also sense that something is in the air it feels different?" I get no response I look up at him he seems off "Uriel are you well?" "Yes, sorry I'm fine. If you don't mind I'd like to return home today has been a tiering day." "Of course go home and rest I'll contact you if I need to."
Uriel meets my eyes and I defitnetly see something is wrong, yet I can't read him and see what it is. I usually am able to read him but tonight I can't and this is worrying, something is most defitnetly in the air. I walk over to my window and look out at the people.

It's funny how people see yet they do not observe which is perhaps just as well if people knew of our existence I think world would go under people aren't ready. I watch the sun set father has created such beauty and that beauty is tainted by the Nephilim. I plan on ridding the world of this taint.

*Uriel's P.O.V*

I decide to walk home I need to clear my head. I am known as the angel of justice and what Gabriel is planing is anything but just. I am at this point in no position to confront Gabriel he is the stronger of us two.
I know it has something to do with the Nephilim I just need to get home and find out what. I hear a thunderous whoosh I look up and see six Seraphim flying over and they're heading for the Nephilim headquarters. I see Gabriel wants to keep his hands clean so he sends his henchmen why am I not surprised. I flash home and at this point there's nothing I can do all I can do is find out what is going on.

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