Chapter 17*Oct. 7th early evening at the home of the Watchers(heavily edited)

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I look at Brian and see that he's weighed down by something that's been obvious for sometime now and it's even more obvious since the Nephilim came and asked us for help. "Brian I am no fool what is bothering you?"

My brother wears his emotions on his  sleeves could never hide how he is feeling. "How is it that you always seem to know when something is bothering me?" "Well as much as I'd like to say I'm a medium I can't but to be honest you make it easy by being quite obvious" he looks at me with a slight smile. "In telling you I risk disappointing you and it's not easy but I'll just come right out and say it. I want to cease being a watcher I want to be able to help those who are in need. What I ask of you perhaps is to much but I need help with Sean."

I must admit that even though I'm not surprised it still throws me off. I look him straight in the eyes "Are you sure?Have you thought of the  consequences? This means no more potions you well from this day learn of sickness and grow old."

"Niall, getting sick and growing old is the very least of what is on my mind. I want to help. Standing by and watching an entire race die out at the hands of another for bad reasons is wrong and I refuse to just stand by to let it happen. I want to be a part  of  history not just watch it running past me. Please Niall help me."

I look at my brother I can tell he's  not joking about this he's dead serious. "Brian of course I'll help but I'm limited to the kind of help I can give. I'll be there for you in any way I can."

*Brian's P.O.V*

Niall reacted just the way I had hoped. I see a touch of sadness in his eyes but I have to do what's right for me.  He has done so much for me. I walk to his shelves and find his bronze statue of a dragon and turn to say, "Niall shall we take walk I need a cigarette " I grab the statue off the shelf and pop into the empty pocket of my jacket. I look at Niall his mind is going at full speed. "Yes a walk would be nice I need a walk clear out the cobwebs abit"

We both walk into the foyer to grab our coats and of course who should come  in but Sean. "Niall, Brian where are you off to? There's still a lot of work to be done." Me and Niall look at Sean,"We're just going for a walk get some fresh air. We'll be back shortly. " "See that you are there's lots of recording to be done and I don't plan on doing it alone." Niall gave his best smile while putting on his coat and scarf "of course dear brother "

I put my hands in my pocket and feel a bronze statuette in each pocket, what my brother is unaware I'm quite good at nicking things took this right off his bookshelf and if didn't even notice. I'm about to show my dear brother how unlimited his help can be. We get to my favourite clearing and the only place I'm convinced we're far enough from the house. "Niall let's stop here I need to show you something"

"OK what is it? " I pull both the statuettes out of my pockets if raises an eyebrow, "Hey! did you nick that off my shelf and why?! " I look at Niall and give him his statue, "Relax and I'll show you." I notice he takes a step back and I hold up my statue close my eyes and say appear. The statue starts to glow and I can't help but smile as I notice Niall's look of surprise the statue grows a bit longer and starts to turn red. His snout grows longer and his wings flare out and a miniature sred dragon forms and he climbs up my arm and settles on my shoulder.

"Brian you are aware there's a dragon on your shoulder? " "Of course Niall let me introduce you. Styx this is my brother Niall, Niall this is Styx" "Hello Styx nice to meet you" Styx crawls down my arm to get a closer look at my brother.

"Master he has not seen a dragon before has he? He looks as if he's gone into a state of shock." "Styx be nice " "master how well he react when he finds out my brother is in his pocket?" I look up at my brother who's holding his statue in his hand. "Brian is this also a dragon?" "Yes he is. To bring him forth you must close your eyes will him forth and say appear " I've never seen my brother's dragon this is amazing he does as I say and out comes a beautiful black dragon the same size as mine.

Niall just stares a the dragon, the dragon stares back and says, "master cat got your tongue?" Me and Styx laugh. "This brother is how you can help. These guys well be most useful. "Hello Styx it is good to see you" "Hello brother it is always good to see you."

"OK guys I'm all for a family reunion but I need both of you to shift back into your statue form me and Niall have something we need to do." They shift into statues again we pick them up off the ground and start walking back to the house. "Brian do you think these guys can help us deal with Sean?" We both are filled with a great amount of dread.

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