Chapter 11 *Oct 6th Late Morning*

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*Raphael's POV*

Carmen has been laying here for three days and I've been by her side these past three days. I've been studying her face and she is so beautiful. She looks so at peace as if none the bad things that happened to her has happened. I have been holding her hand in hopes that she feel some kind of comfort.
I stretch and feel a card in my in my back pocket it is the card that Uriel gave me. It has his mortal name John Hollander on it and his address on it. I must've been really lost in thought because I suddenly notice Michael standing there on the opposite side of her bed.
"Raphael how is she?" "She's still the same I'm worried what if this was for naught?" "Raphael do not think like that. She well wake up" I stand up and walk over to Michael feeling exhausted. "I hope you're right" "Raphael for me it is not a question of hope I know. Go home rest a bit you look as if you need it. I well stay with her." I realised all of a sudden how exhausted I was. "You're right I am going to leave for awhile. Let me know if anything happens." "Of course now you go rest." I nod as I turn to leave.
I exit the headquarters and stand on the stairs looking up the sky. The sun is starting to dip into the horizon John probably has my watch I'll have to ask him at a later time. Right now however I have a visit to pay to Uriel he has quite a lot of answering to do. I take out the card and double check the address and decide to grab a cab since he lives on the other side of the city. The trip well give about 30 minutes to think.

*30 minutes later*

We've arrived I pay the cabby and get out on the sidewalk. The building Uriel lives in is an old Victorian building. I walk inside and I must admit the lobby is breathtaking. I hear someone clear their throat and I turn and see s receptionist. "I am hear to see John Hollander my name is Raphael." "Of courseI well call up and tell him you are here" "Please". He hangs up the phone and takes a key and walks over to me "Please follow me to the elevator and I well send you up" I step into the elevator and feel the elevator start to rise.

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