Authours Note

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I promise chapter 8 is done about dang time I know but thanks for being patient. Why I'm writing this as a page instead of on the chapter is well because there's a lot of links and the explanations to go with them. So lets get this party started.

This link the chant from Feet of Flames but thought it was perfect for the story. Don't pay attention to their movements just listen to the chant and keep it mind while reading chapters 8 & 9

This well show the fighting style the Nephilim and archangels use against each other. Now the speed of them in my story would be so fast you'd barely see the swords. The Nephilim use two short swords and the archangel uses a long sword.
Please take the time to watch them it well add to the story. Chapter 8 might seem to end abrupt but it well continue in chapter nine.

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