Chapter 7 *Night Oct. 1*

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*Raphael's P.O.V*

I pick Carmen up off the couch I say an incantation to make her fall even deeper in sleep and prepare to take her to headquarters.

*Telepathy with Jerome*

" Close your mind and just tune into me. Jerome I need your help. Please get to headquarters as fast as you can". Of course are you ok?" "Yes, no questions, you'll have the answers as well as everyone else soon enough. I am going to contact Michael as well. "Fine I'll be their shortly just need to come up with an excuse. " "Good, see you soon".

*end of telepathy*

*Telepathy with Michael*

"Michael tune into me only." "Ok what is it?" I need at you At headquarters and I'm bringing Carmen. I've asked Jerome to join us as well. This is more then I can do on my own. "I'll be right there take her to the grand hall Alan has had the hall prepared and you were right the Watchers were no help at all."
"Did you really think they would Michael?" "I had hoped. I thought I could appeal to there humanity but I'm beginning to think they lost that a long time ago."

*End of telepathy*

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I arrive in the lobby of headquarters and Jerome comes running towards me. "Raphael they know and the hall is ready. I felt they had a right to know that you've found her" "Of course you're right we just had to make sure it's her.
I trust Michael's instinct, he's sure it is her and I saw something that made me know it's her. Right now we have to save her." As I enter the hall there's all of a sudden complete silence. Alan puts his hand on his heart as did everyone as I passed them. As I get to the centre of the circle Michael comes in armoured and his swords at his sides.

*Michael's P.O.V*

Raphael asks if we're ready. All I can do is nod. What he is about to do is not only dangerous to himself but to all of us. Right now it is the only chance we have to save her. We must save her for she is our salvation.

*Jerome's P.O.V*

I am honestly going to say I am scared. Nothing has been told to me but I trust Michael and Raphael both with my life. The rite of eternal souls means I have to guide Raphael's soul to Carmen's soul.
It is not a easy ritual one mistake and Rafael's soul goes adrift and that is if he's lucky. It's so quiet. The others enter with staves and stand in a circle around us. Michael comes in with six others all armoured and armed. I see Michael looking at Raphael.

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I put Carmen carefully on the floor and look up and catch Michael's eyes. I see a worried look in his eyes I nod and slightly smile trying to ease his mind.

*Telepathy with Michael and Raphael *

Raphael- "Michael you need to stop worrying I'll be fine."

Michael- "I can do this you don't have to"

Raphael- "I'll be ok now you just focus on keeping us alive. I don't think Gabriel well let this one go"

*end of telepathy*

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