Chapter 13 *Oct. 6 Night Uriel's Flat*

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*Raphael's P.O.V*

I follow Uriel into his flat. "Raphael I need to stretch my wings a bit do you mind?" I stand a bit dumb founded. Why on earth would he ask me permission to stretch his wings? "Ummm sure I mean I can't stop you now can I?" "Raphael please don't take this the wrong way but you're still a bit twitchy and I really want to avoid having a dagger planted between my eyes and anywhere else on my person" I can't help but smirk as he hands me a glass of whiskey. "Touché Uriel I promise to keep my dagger in check. By all means stretch your wings I might just do the same." I watch Uriel he snaps out his wings as do I. He stands up and walks over to the window. "I must ask Raphael how is Carman is she ok?" I snap my head up, my eyes narrow, "Let me see if I got this straight you are an archangel worried about our saviour you well excuse me if it smells like crap." My fists start to clench I can't help it then he looks into my eyes. "Raphael she's my daughter" I look at him in utter shock and just crack up laughing I can't help it it is absurd. When I finally stop which mind you takes a few minutes I look into his eyes as he looks down I can't sense that he is lying but this is messed up and absurd. "How? You are an archangel our fathers where low level angels who fell"

*Uriel's P.O.V*

I look up from my drink and look at Raphael. He has a look of utter shock. I suppose I don't blame him. "Raphael can I share memories of her as a child they are of me and her together". He looks up at me and simply nods. He obviously can sense that I am not lying though this whole idea is hard for him to believe.
I get up from the couch take my halo and place it on my stand. I say my incantation and the memories start to flood back and it is all I can do to hold back the tears. "Raphael won't you please come here?"

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I look up at Uriel he is glowing in an amazing golden light. I stand up and walk over to him. "Come Raphael." I walk up to him and he encloses us both with the light. I look and the first thing I see is Uriel and his wife. Carmen was the spitting image of her mother I notice she has Uriel's smile. After a few minutes I see this little raven haired girl pop out of their front door she can't be more then two or three. "Carmen but she was so little"
I then turn and see an image of them both throwing things into a suitcase terror on etched into both their faces. When they're done they grab little Carmen and flee for their lives. There's then a image of them inside an empty house they are all three tear filled. I see what I know is Uriel kissing them goodbye. He hasn't seen them since then. He stops the memories I can tell they're to much for him. "Uriel are you ok?" " I'm fine it's just extremely painful." I nod in understanding.

*Uriel's P.O.V*

The pain I did not realise of those memories is as fresh as the day it happened. I just couldn't take it anymore I had to stop. All I can hope is that he saw enough to believe. I go to sit down in my chair. "So Raphael do you believe me now?" He turns to me,"Yes, how can I not believe you?" "You do realise Uriel, Gabriel can't live as long as we live and breathe?" I know why he's asking and to be honest if I was in his position I would ask as well. " I am fully aware of that Raphael. If I could kill him outright I would but I can't for what I would think are quite obvious reasons. My heart lies with my wife and Carmen and what he did forfeited his life in my eyes." I see Raphael backing up I hadn't noticed I got up and started moving towards him. I stop I have so much pent up rage I turn to face my desk and send everything on it flying.

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