Chapter 6 *Late afternoon Oct1*

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*Michael's P.O.V*

I appear in front of SkyHaven home of the Watchers. There are three who live here but the Watchers are scattered around the world.
Watchers are what mortals refer to as historians but let us just say they're historians with a slight twist. They make sure that every super natural being yes there are more then us Nephilim, do not the break the one law that we have, and that is we are never to reveal ourselves to mortals.
Asking them for help is going to take a lot of doing if it works at all. They are mortals that do not possess an innate immortality they use a potion that grants them everlasting life. I'm counting on them having empathy which is a long stretch, but at this point I'm willing to try anything. They have their vow of neutrality that they are wholly bound to, but perhaps when they hear my plea they'll make an exception.
I make my way up to the two massive oak doors. Carved into them are dragons on each door sitting on their haunches staring at you as if they're assessing if you're worthy entry.
I knock twice on the huge brass knocker. I stand and wait for someone to open the door yet no one comes. I study the carvings a bit and me being the creature I am thought I had seen it all until today.
The dragon's eye turns to liquid amber and his scales turn white,"We do not receive so many visitors as I'm sure you understand"
I am what I consider a very pragmatic person but this caught me off guard however. "Are you just going to stand there and not introduce yourself?" "I apologise for my rudeness my name is Michael Sinclair I am here to speak with Watcher Sean on urgent business"
"He does not usually take visitors" I noticed both dragons staring very intently at me as if they are contemplating if I'm worth their time. "Yes I am quite aware of that but as I made aware earlier it is urgent business". The dragons look to each other and then back to me, " you are aware of their vow of neutrality so why do you even bother?" I am becoming very close to loosing my patience I now realise after that comment they've read my mind.
"Look I need to see Sean either you let me in or I well break down the door myself!!" The dragon seems nearly be crawling off the door and his snout is only millimetres away, "How dare you you insignificant little immortal, your immortality means nothing to me. I can kill you with one breath and you are very close to tempting me to do that very thing"
I see Sean out of the corners of my eye. "Enough!! Antranix you've made your point." I can hear a grumbling deep within his throat. "ENOUGH!!!!"
After Sean calms the dragon down he turns back into oak. Sean looks at me,"I suggest you follow me inside" I follow him inside and leads me into his office. "Please. Take a seat" I sit down while he is pouring tea for both of us.
He hands me a cup and sits down. "So, Michael are you going to tell me why you're here?" "I'm in need of help and before you throw your precious neutrality in my face just hear me out."
I notice two others walk in they must be Nial and Brian. "Ok we're listening please do go on." "I do believe we've found our prophet. Before you say anything she is dieing she's been poisoned by angel magic and I need help in purging it out of her." I notice Sean look over to Brian and Niall.
"You know what you ask is impossible. We have our vow of neutrality you know what that means of course" "Sean you know where you can shove your vow!! Carmen is dieing!!! Are you totally devoid of any form of emotion we need help!!!" "Do not dare to raise your voice in my home. You know of our vow yet you come here anyway. Seriously what did you expect me to say."
"I for some reason expected a sense compassion and empathy. How is it your compassion for others just faded away?" "How dare you come here and insult us in our own home?!!" I stand up getting ready to leave. I see this is getting nowhere. "I can see now coming here was a pointless mistake I'll let myself out". I stand up and leave.

*Raphael's P.O.V*

Carmen is still fighting my magic and the angel magic I must reach into her soul and help her fight. I walk over to her desk and see the picture of her mom and a Statue of Uriel. Her mother it can't be Adriana, it is I'd know that smile anywhere. She is dead as well what has happened to poor Carmen her mother taken from her as well. I rummage through her flat looking for candles. I finally find the candles now it is time for me to start the ritual.

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