Chapter 1*Morning Sept. 30th*

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The Journal of Michael Sinclair

" I'm a Nephilim. My father is a fallen son of heaven and my mother a daughter of earth, so it is for all of our kind. We are considered semi devine yet God has deemed us a product of sin and therefore banished to earth with no rights to enter heaven.
It seemed however God's archangel Gabriel had another plan for us. When I say that keep in mind I have no fondness or love  for the angels so the plan can be described in one word and that is genocide. I have no choice but get myself into a situation where I'm forced to trust angels which win fairness I don't do I'm the slightest. I have spent countless centuries fighting Gabriel and his angelic army and then for reasons unknown to us still to this very day Gabriel decides he wants us under his control. He came up with a treaty that was more take then give but I use the term treaty very loosely.
What were we to do he was going to kill us one by one? So here we are. When it was close to the signing of the treaty I gathered the millions of leaders who also of course had a lot to loose. They all agreed but very reluctantly and that went for me as well. We all realize we have no choice in the matter. We met in a place in between dimensions as bleak and as barren as we all felt and we got on with the process of signing and left."

I put my journal into my bag and I take out my paper to read. Before I start reading I realize why I love coming to this cafe and it's because it never fails to amaze me how oblivious people are to their surroundings and the people around them. Though I must admittedly say something different and unique happened today which surprised me. I happened to look up from my paper and in comes the most beautiful raven haired woman I've ever seen she was wearing jeans and and soft white tunic I can't help but smile slightly she's very ethereal looking. I know I've seen her somewhere before but I cannot place from where. I put my paper down and I watch her. She is one of us I recognize the energy she radiates she is most definitely Nephilim and she comes from the city yet why haven't I sensed her before. This situation is new to me I realize I really could use Raphael's help right now. I don't share Raphael's ability to get into another's mind gently. I reach out and there's no doubt that I'm their mind. For Raphael it is a much apart of him as breathing. It's as if he does it without even knowing he's doing it.

I reached out to Raphael I receive a few choice words emblazed in my brain. I'm assuming he was with a woman but as I keep telling him through the mellenia duty calls whether you want him to or not.
To describe Raphael is impossible he's so many things at once that I don't know where to start. The way I describe him at times is the exact same way they described Lord Byron,"He's mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Simply put he's an extreme walking living agent of chaos.
He is my polar opposite but having said that you won't find a more loyal friend. He's been by my side for mellenia. We've fought in countless battles and he's been my protector dear friend and my brother. Though I admit the man can even cause the saints to contemplate homicide.

*Raphael's POV*

I keep my eyes closed hoping that would keep Michael's thoughts at bay so I don't have to wake up. After 5-10 mins. I realize that it's not any easy endeavor. I stretch a bit and reach my hand over I feel nothing but a piece of paper. It's a note from Ronnie.


Good morning Rafe,

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I had to get up early for work and I do know how you hate being woken up. I am still laughing at that poor guy last night man he had no idea what hit him. You're a man who lives up to his word, you promised me a good time and you delivered. Hope we can do it again soon.


*End of note*

Ronnie now there's a woman for you we well most defetnetly have to do that again sometime and preferably sooner then later

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