Chapter 10 *Early morning Oct. 3*

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Just wanted to say some harsh language within so you know

*Raphael's P.O.V*

Why on earth am I hearing a mans voice? It doesn't make any sense. "Raphael if you can hear let me know trying to find you" I stand up and look around and all I see is pitch black. "Who are you?" I see a bright light and someone walking towards me.

"I'm so glad I found you" I see in front of me a man in a pair of jeans and a white shirt. I am in shock "who the hell are you?" "Raphael you've never been one to mince words I well say this you need my help you can not do this alone" I look closer at him feeling a bit of anger but I know he's right I came here to help her and I can't yet help came to me. I look closer and I realise he's an angel.

"You're a god damn angel how the hell did you get here are you here to speed up her dieing?!!" My rage was starting to boil over. I grab a dagger from my belt and flash and take him by surprise from behind with a dagger at his throat " I could end you right now in a blink of an eye give me a good reason why I shouldn't." "Raphael please listen. I'm here to help. I'm Uriel known as-" "Uriel the angel of justice" "yes that's right. I know Gabriel is up to something but he is keeping me out of the know. Please I am here to help." I slowly let him go and he faces me I still have dagger pointing at him.

"I saw six seraphim flying over Gabriel is doing this to keep his hands clean they attacked Michael and the others they are ok. Uriel hands me a card I take it. " lets talk when this is over Raphael right now you need my help and there's not a lot of time. " I am in no position not to accept his help. "Ok but I swear if you try anything this well be the last breath you ever take."

I take deep breath "Raphael lets start with you putting that away." I slowly put my dagger away not taking my eyes of him. "Ok we need to combine our energies our magic can't be purged easily to be honest it's impossible but with our combined efforts and powers it should work." I can not believe that an archangel is standing before offering his help. To be honest my mind is racing I can't turn away his help but we well have a talk when all this over I need some answers.

"What do I need to do?" Uriel nods and he lifts his arms and a orb of light forms in between his palms. He lifts the orb of light it is now between us. "Raphael lay your hands on it and call out her" I hear him chant something in Latin and I lay my hands on the orb. I close my eyes and will her to us. After a few minutes she's laying beside us.

Uriel opens his eyes and the orb disappears and he looks at her. "Uriel is she dead?" He kneels beside her says an incantation and lays his hands on her chest. A bright light covers her and then he stands up. "Raphael she's alive she's in a deep sleep it's now up to her when to wake up. There's nothing more I or you can do."

I kneel beside her I look up and Uriel is gone. I take her hand in mine say a quick incantation and I'm back and Jerome's eyes snap open and everyone falls silent. Michael whips around. "Raphael are you ok? How is she?" "She is alive but now it's up to her there's nothing more we can do" I look around and see seraphim laying slumped up against the wall. "Are you ok Michael?" "What? Oh yes we're ok. Jerome take Carmen to her room I'll be there shortly." I stand up I look at Michael "Now begins the waiting game."

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