Chapter 12 *Oct. 6 Early evening Uriel's Flat

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*Raphael's P.O.V*

I step out of the elevator into a grand hall I decide to wait. After a few minutes I hear footsteps they must be Uriel's. My instincts are kicking in and I'm doing everything within my power to keep them in check. Considering he's an archangel I think I'm doing quite well.

*Uriel's P.O.V*

Raphael has arrived, and I know he well not be happy considering the Nephilim and archangels are ancient enemies, but I hope I can persuade Raphael that not all of us are bad. His temper is going to be a challenge however, but despite that I need him to know the truth because they well need my help. Simply put they well not be able face Gabriel or the Seraphim alone. I don't know what has happened to my brothers they've changed.
Raphael is the one I know I can get through to he is hot tempered yet I know he has a soft heart.
Having made myself their guardian angel has given me quite a bit of insight into who and what they are and what they are capable of. Raphael is as I said extremely hot tempered and also fiercely loyal. They are as a people very nobel I do not understand my brother Gabriel's hatred of them. They have such beautiful souls and they are beyond creative and they share so much with mortals. They gave free will to mortals. Free will is something Gabriel and father believes his only reserved for us and that mortals can't handle their free will. Perhaps they are right some can't but most can. Free will allows for growth it is amazing to see how mankind has evolved. Mortals do owe the nephilim so much.
When it comes to Gabriel I was in all honesty was blind to the cruelty Gabriel is capable of and it sickens me but it was not until I was on the receiving end of his wrath that I realised what he is capable of and also discovered what he was doing with the Nephilim.
I open the door slowly and there is Raphael his face is hardened and I do not blame him. I walk in slowly. "Raphael I am glad you came." He looks straight into my eyes,"You should be glad it is I who came and not Michael, because you wouldn't be standing here in one piece if that were the case." I only have two questions one Why did you help me and two more importantly what the hell are you up to?"
I look at Raphael I am going to have to be careful Raphael's temper threshold is quite low. "I helped simply because it was the right thing to do." Raphael's eyes flare he is doing his best to keep his temper in check. "Since when do archangels and angels care about doing the right thing!!? I have lived for millennia where the opposite has been proven time and time again so you well forgive me if I don't buy into you saying it was the right thing to do. I do truly believe archangels and angels wouldn't know the right thing if it ran them over with a Mack truck.
Raphael's words stung but I know he doesn't know what I've been through concerning Gabriel. "Raphael can I show you something?" He is so suspicious but I also know if there's one person whose shell I can break through it is his. "Move very slowly Uriel I well not hesitate in hurting you." I move my hands slowly unbuttoning my shirt keeping my eyes on Raphael I see he has a dagger hidden in his hand and he seems to think I don't notice either that or he doesn't care if I notice or not. I continue to unbutton my shirt and let fall to the floor. "Raphael I am going to turn around and I want you to look at my back"

*Raphael's P.O.V*

Uriel turns slowly and asks me to look at his back. I am seriously wondering what is he playing at. "O.K turn around slowly and no sudden movements." He stretches out his arms and slowly starts turn and what I see defies words.
His back is covered with blood red scars. They have obviously healed but they look as fresh as they day they were inflicted on him. Uriel picked up his shirt and said,"Raphael I too have felt the wrath of Gabriel." I walk up to him and take a closer look. They are deep how did he ever survive? "Uriel how did you survive looks as if he was trying to flay you open?" "I survived because he wanted the scars to be a constant reminder if what I had done."
He turns around slowly and I decide for some reason to my dagger away and listen to his story. He puts his shirt back on.

*Uriel's P.O.V*

I can sense Raphael's tension ease seems showing him we had a common enemy helped but I still need to be careful he is like a walking mine one wrong move and he could explode and take me with him. "Would you like to come in for a drink? I do have a story to tell that just might want to hear?" "Yes I would on both counts"

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