*Please read important for story*

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I apologise I should've included this at the beginning of the story but alas better late then never.

This nothing to do with the plot I just want to give you a basic understanding of the characters to me it's important you understand.

Ok Nephilim have innate magical abilities as well as ones they learn. Their school of magic is denoted by the colour of their wings. I'll give a couple of examples. Michael Sinclair has black wings.
His innate magic is death magic he can kill you with his mind be it stopping your heart or giving you a brain bleed and so forth. On the flip side the magic he's learned is to control the element of fire and healing.

Then there's Rafe or Raphael. His wings are the colour of mother of pearl. His innate ability is psionic powers his scream can shatter anything from glass to bone or bring down buildings.
His learned abilities are healing as well and mind control. There well be other Nephilim with different coloured wings and abilities. I well do my best to incorporate it into the story instead of bombarding you with A/N

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