Chapter 16 *Oct 7th early afternoon*(edited)

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Excuse this being so short

*Michael 's P.O.V*

I slowly wake up my head is pounding. My body feels as if I died several times over. I slowly open my eyes and see Raphael and Jerome standing over me while I try in what is a futile attempt to sit up. "Gods my head feels like it is split wide open " Raphael helps me sit up, "I'm not surprised Michael you took a full on psionic attack it is amazing you're still alive. Now here drink this it tastes like shit but it well help you heal faster." I take the solution he gives me, "you know if you want people to drink this you shouldn't put it in a clear glass it looks it came straight from hell" "I can promise you it's not from hell. Now drink up."

*Raphael's POV*

I am very happy to see Michael still alive by all rights he shouldn't be. I used one of Hugh's reciepies to quicken his healing. Michael is right the stuff looks and tastes nasty like most of Hugh's brews but they do work. "Michael I have to leave. I have put Carmen under an incantation she should sleep for a couple of days" "Raphael well you tell me what you're up to?" "Michael I'll make a long story short " "Please do my head is pounding and I'm not up to figuring out what your up to." "Ok I'm going to talk to John or better yet Hugh. I really think he can help us, help Carmen" "Raphael are you sure? Hugh almost obliterated London or did you forget that?" "It'll be fine don't worry. " "You know Raphael when you say do not worry for some reason that is when I worry." l can't help but chuckle, "I'll be back before you know it." Michael waves nonchalantly and lays back down. It's time for me to have a talk with John or should I say Hugh.

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