Chapter 3 Afternoon/Evening/Night Sept. 30th*

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Cast List:

Raphael: Tom Hiddleston
John: Michael Gabon

*Raphael's P.O.V*

Michael and Carmen have long since gone and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I glance over at John and notice that while he has something on his mind Friar Hugh's mannerisms take over.
He crosses his arms and always leans against something while fiddling with his goatee. After all this time John is just getting to grips with how to control Hugh's soul and sometimes he forgets himself for example when he's thinking.

I glance at over at him and he has this I'm up to something smile that hasn't changed for 700 years. He walks up to the door flips the closed sign and pulls down the blinds and locks the door.
My gaze follows him as he goes to all the windows turning all the blinds all the while not saying a word. "John what are you up to? Should I call the police perhaps the bomb squad?" "Rafe I'm hurt. Besides not my fault Hugh had an overly creative mind that lead nearly wiping London off the map." I give him my knowing look and laugh and he walks up to me with something behind his back.

He's looking at me with a smirk," Rafe my boy this place is ours so i figured if Rafe can't come to the Jameson then the Jameson well have to come to Rafe." He slams down two tumblers in front of me and I can't help but let a huge grin appear on my face as he pours the whiskey pushing the bottle out of the way and sits down.

*John's P.O.V*

Watching Rafe's face light up is worth breaking out my baby. This usually doesn't come at out unless there's celebrating to do and to me there is, Me and Rafe are sitting down and talking. In all honesty it's been so long I've forgotten when the last time was. I sit pour me and Rafe some whiskey and sit down. I hold up my glass, "Here's to a trip down memory lane"

*Raphael's P.O.V*

"Here Here" our glasses clink and I take a sip. So Hugh keeps the good stuff hidden in a café he's been holding out on me. "Why John I think you've been holding out on me." I put my glass down and smirk. "Rafe whatever do you mean?

This is the first time you're in here sober. Did you really think I'd waste this on a hungover man?" I take a slow drawn out sip while my eyebrow is cocked and grab the bottle of Jameson," You do raise a valid point but now I'm wondering what is it that I miss the most. Is it you? Nahhh... this as I point to the bottle, however I've missed and proceed to refill my glass. "ok, smartass you win" We both laugh I look at him and realize just how much I look truly miss Hugh. I'm not gonna lie perhaps I've been avoiding John for awhile due to the fact that he reminds me so much Hugh.

At times he's so much like him that it hurts. John doesn't know or mean to I feel for him I really do. I had to save Hugh from the clutches of Gabriel. I did and now there's John. When me and Michael found John in the park I thought I would pass out. Mind you not much catches me off guard so that's saying a lot. "John I'm assuming you remember when me and Michael found you in the park?"

*John's P.O.V*

Rafe asks me if I remember him and Michael finding me in the park. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Rafe how could I forget. You not only saved me but you also changed my life not exactly in the way I thought though." Rafe looks up at me with almost apologetic eyes.

"Rafe I've noticed the past few months you've been avoiding me. I haven't pushed because I can sense your hurt but now it's just me, you, and this fine bottle of whiskey so I'm asking Rafe what is bothering you.?" Rafe looks at me like he's stuck in a situation he can't get out of. "John it's not easy to say" "Rafe it's eating you up inside better to just get it out." Rafe looks into my eyes.

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