Chapter 1

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Jisoo's POV:

I was backstage since we had just finished performing at MMA. All my other members had already finished freshening up but I was still doing it. I looked around to make sure no one was in the room. 

Then I slowly unbuttoned my red top leaving me in my bra. I looked in the mirror to see the bandage on my lower back was now fully dripping with blood. My stab wound had reopened and the bandage was no use. I sighed frustratedly hoping no one saw the blood. 

I threw the bandage in the trash and shuffled to find another one. I found a packet and ripped one open. I got my suture kit and looked over my back to the wound. I carefully brought the tools and started stitching the opened wound. 

I winced each time the needle went threw my skin but I knew I had to. This was what I signed up for and I can't change it now. I finished stitching up my wound and went to get the bandage to cover it. 

???'s POV:

We had just finished performing and we were now going backstage. I looked at my members who were walking, casually talking to each other. 

Then our maknae came up to me and asked, "Hyung, you seem a little spaced out. Are you ok". I just nodded at the younger and we started talking about random things. But one thing wouldn't stop lingering in my head. 

When I saw BLACKPINK leaving the stage, swear I saw Jisoo's top was redder in one particular area. "Hey Kook, did you notice something different with the oldest member of BLACKPINK", I asked. He looked at me and said, "Nope, she looked normal. Like how she always does. A goddess". 

I just nodded and went to our rooms. I was about to enter when I saw the door to the room next to us slightly open. There was a thin ray of light peeking through the door. Out of curiosity, I went and slightly opened the door.

I peeked my head in to see the backside of a woman. I saw her take off her top and thoughts immediately flooded my mind. Luckily, she still has her bra and skirt on. Crimson red creeped onto my cheeks but quickly went away when I saw the scene in front of me. 

A red bandage soaked with blood and blood dripping down. I looked at The figure of the woman wincing as she went to get a small brown box. When she opened it, I saw a her take something that looked like scissors and a needle and thread. 

She started stitching her wound carefully while looking in the mirror to make sure she was stitching the right parts. I winced everytime the needle went through. The seen was petrifying. I was here wincing at the sight while she was there taking all the pain. 

I wished I could do something but I didn't want to be seen. I tried to make who she was but her brownish hair was covering her face. I looked at her clothes and they seemed familiar. In fact, they matched with my hair. 

I was about to leave when the woman looked up and brushed the hair out of her face. I was shocked at the sight. Kim Jisoo, the oldest member and unofficial leader of BLACKPINK. 

I wonder what had happened. How could she get such a big wound? Did someone hurt her? Who exactly is she? All these questions filled my mind. But one thing I knew for sure was that Jisoo sure is what everyone says she is. A goddess. 

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