Chapter 4

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Jisoo's POV:

I had just finished playing the flute. I had to do this every night so that evil spirits don't enter the world and steal the souls of idols. 

Flashback (18 years ago)

Little Jisoo was going into the forest when she gray whisps cover the white clouds. She quickly ran home telling her mother. "Mommy, I saw these gway thingies covering the sky." she said as she pointed up. 

Jisoo's Mom's POV:

My eyes widened at what my daughter had just said. I looked out the window  to see gray whisps surrounding us. Shit. This wasn't supposed to happen so soon. 

I turned to my daughter and crouched down her level. "Mommy's going to tell a story okay. You have to listen very carefully. Ok baby." she nodded. I smiled slightly and started. 

"A long time ago, there was a beautiful girl. She had an amazing voice. Everyday exactly at 11:30 in the night, she used to go to a forest and sing only one specific melody. One day while she was singing she met a villager pass by. the villager stayed behind the bushes observing her. Just like that, he fell in love with her. Everyday, he used to follow her into the forest. But soon he realized  that the feeling in him was not love, but desire. He never wanted her, he wanted her voice. 

The sly villager came up with a plan, he would make her fall in love with him and never let her leave. When the girl found this out, she was broken. she had been too naive to notice that the one she loved didn't love her back. 

She came up with a plan and somehow escaped. She hid in the forest we live in for years. Those years, she was bottling up with revenge and anger. She started practicing sorcery and dark magic and when she was ready, she would curse that villager. 

A few months later, she went back to the villagers house in the night and cursed him. But the curse she put on him used so much of her energy that it took her entire life force. In no more than 5 seconds after she put the curse, she started fading. The loathe and anger in her made her crumble into evil whisps. Because she was so angry, she started to blame the music. 

Ever since she died, those evil whisps have always targeted any form of music. Whenever they hear music, they go directly to that place and suck the souls of whomever is performing. In 2 years, the entire world had no music. Many of the singers and performers where in deep sleep. They never died but the evil spirits took their souls and ate them. This caused the evil spirits to get more stronger and stronger. 

There was no hope for anyone in the world. Many years later a young man came. He was a normal person quite young. He was a simple performer. He didn't sing but he played the flute. When he entered the village with a flute, everyone looked at him with fearful eyes. But he ignored  them and went to a mountain cliff. 

He waited there and played with the animals. At exactly 11:30 in the night, he took out flute and started playing a melody. All the villagers cowered in fear as they heard the music. Anxious whispers filled the village as people watched in dismay at what would happen. 

One by one, the gray whisps started to zoom towards the man. They came very close but to everyone's surprise, it never sucked the soul of the man. The melody of the flute became stronger causing the wisps of  gray to scream in terror. 

When the melody became softer, the wisps started to lessen their screaming. They faced the man to see that there was a transparent barrier over the man. The villagers watched in amazement as the man continued to play the flute. 

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