Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV:

It had been three days since I was released from the hospital and three days since I was hiding and locked in my house. 

Ever since the accident the press and news reporters were all over the place trying to be right behind my back. 

It's quite annoying, to be honest. If I could, I would have just punched each one of them in the face but sadly, I have an image to keep. 

I mean, I wouldn't want 'KIM TAEHYUNG PUNCHES THE PRESS OUT OF ANGER ', as the headlines of news, would I?
Well I guess that armies would think I was hot but you know, too much complications if I do that.

Right now, I was in the grocery store buying food because I had no food in my house at all.

I went straight to the ramen isle to get the brand I always buy when I saw someone standing right in front of there with her back to the shelf.

Shit, why right in front of my spicy onion ramen. 

I looked at the girl hoping that she would get the sign that I wanted her to move but she still stood there with her head down.

I couldn't see her face because her hood was covering it but I could see that her head was slightly turned towards a place.  

I looked at where the girl was facing. 

She was looking at a man dressed in all black. He looked quite suspicious actually. A black mask covered his head and a black cap was securely placed on top of his head. 

I looked towards the girl and saw that she was fidgeting with something in her hand. It was glowing red but I couldn't see what it was.

My attention suddenly moved to the red lights that started flashing in the store. Everyone's attention turned towards the door where the man dressed in all black once stood.

It wasn't hard to catch on. The man had stolen something and had ran away. I saw the girl get up and start to run after him leaving me dumbfounded. 

Why the heck would she run after a thief. What if something happens to her. 

I looked at the door and sighed. 

Fuck this shit. I'm going after her. 

I quickly ran after the hooded girl.

I got all the way to the main street but the girl was out of my sight! I turned to my left and write and saw a white hooded figure run quickly to an alley. 

That was fast. She seemed like a wisp of air.

I quickly ran after the white hooded figure to the alley. When I got to the alley, I saw the man hovering above the girl. 

I could she see was clearly struggling to get the man off of her so I went to her to help. 

But before I could go to the woman, the thief suddenly started levating. I looked at the figure in shock. 

I was trying to process things but it was all happening to fast. In no time, the thief was slammed to the ground, but strangely he wasn't bleeding. 

He turned to the woman and gave her a small paper and a usb flash drive. 

"I'm sorry for what I did to you and your family" he mumbled very lightly and ran away.

I saw the girl holding the flash drive to her chest and silently sobbing but before I could do anything...

My head started spinning . I started getting flashbacks. 

Pictures of the woman in my dreams, flutes, violins, swords, black and red robes, forests, they all flashed in my mind. 

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