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"Oh my gosh." Jessie groaned. "What happened? Did you gas me again?" She held her stomach. "I think I'm going to be sick."
I yanked the truck to the side of the road and stopped. "Well, you better puke then." I told her. "And hurry. It won't be long before someone notices us on these country roads."
Jessie nodded and pushed the door open and stumbled out. A few moments later I heard retching and coughing. I sighed and got out, walking over to a very pale looking Jessie. She looked up at me for a second before she bent over and vomited again. I immediately grabbed her hair so it wouldn't get caught in the line of fire. She sent me a thankful look before finishing her business. After a couple minutes Jessie stood up straight. "There's nothing left in my stomach." She told me.
I let go of her hair. "That's good." I walked back over to the truck. "Let's go. We need to find some place to stop for the night."
"Wait a second." Jessie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back with every once of power in her tiny body. "You have some explaining to do. What the hell just happened?"
I tapped my foot impatiently. "They fed you pot laced brownies."
Jessie groaned and threw her head back in frustration. "I am so getting fired." She muttered.
I shrugged. "Sure Shorty, whatever. We got to get moving now though."
Jessie shook her head. "No, wait. How'd you get out?"
I shrugged again. "A little hand to hand combat. It wasn't too bad."
Jessie eyed me critically. "There's a good bruise on your jawbone and I'm willing to bet your shirt hides more than a couple more." She told me confidently.
I wrinkled my nose. "I'm fine." I told her firmly.
Jessie sniffed. "You smell like smoke. Do you smoke?"
I rolled my eyes. "The warehouse caught on fire because the idiot Jäck shot one of the crates. There must have been something flammable in them or something." I couldn't stop the grin on my face as I added, "you were more than willing for me to rescue you."
Jessie's cheeks grew pink. "What did I do?"
I winked at her playfully. "I'll let you know soon enough."
Jessie furrowed her eyebrows but she began to make her way back to the truck. She seemed a little unsteady on her legs, probably from coughing up her insides. After two steps she fell to her knees.
I rolled my eyes before I picked her up. "You may be able to handle your alcohol Shortcake," I told told her. "But you sure as hell can't handle your drugs."
Jessie struggled weakly in my arms. "It's not exactly something I practice." She retorted. "Now put me down!"
I ignored her protests while I walked to the truck and threw her in the passenger seat. "We have got to get to a hotel before dark." I told her. "I'm tired, for one thing. And I don't want to drive in the dark when someone is trying to find me."
Jessie furrowed her eye brows. "That doesn't make any sense." She told me.
I sighed. "I'm tired and it would be great if you would shut up and go back to sleep like you have been for the past three hours."
"I was out for three hours!" Jessie shrieked.

"I promise there are two beds." I told her as we walked down the hall of the hotel. "I made extra sure."
Jessie grunted. "If there aren't two beds you're on the floor." She told me.
I shrugged and opened the door. "No need."
Jessie walked in and her jaw dropped. "You're loaded." She told me hoarsely.
I shrugged and walked into the living room. "People don't go through tons of trouble to find a poor man, Shortcake."
Jessie smiled happily and ran over to the full kitchen and checked the fridge. "It's full!" She told me.
I collapsed onto the couch. "And?" I asked her.
Jessie rolled her eyes and walked into the closest door of the kitchen. She came back a minute later with a humongous smile on her face. "I claim that one." She told me. "That one has a full bathroom in it."
I yawned and grabbed the remote, switching on the television. "Shorty, both the rooms have full bathrooms." I told her in a bored tone.
Jessie crossed her arms and sat down at the opposite end of the couch. "You can at least act excited."
I yawned again. "I am excited. For bed."
Jessie sniffed and made a face. "You stink."
"I've been told that before." I turned my attention to the tv. The news people were talking about some puppies that had been saved or something cute like that.
"No I mean literally." Jessie told me. "You need a shower."
I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I stood up. "Whatever you want Shortcake."
Jessie spun around on the couch as I walked around it. "Stop calling me short!" She commanded me.
I chuckled. "It's just a fact Shorty. No harm, no foul. Get over it."
Jessie stuck her tongue out at me before I closed my bedroom door.


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