Someone Is Going To Pay

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I was in my cell for five hours. Five agonizing hours without Jessie. I sat on the blank bed, surrounded my metal walls, trying not to visualize the experience Jessie was going through right now. I wasn't able to protect her. I had promised and I had thought I could keep that promise. I didn't. I got up and paced around. A sensible person would try to sleep and regain some strength, but I couldn't. Every time I laid down Jessie popped in my head.
I got up and paced again, wishing I could strangle someone.
I heard my cell door open and I spun around, hoping to jump on whoever dared come in my space. My heartbeat quickened when Jessie was pushed into my cell. My heart jumped to my throat as she fell to the ground. In an instant I was at her side, hesitantly helping her up.
She pushed me away.
"I'm fine." She told me hoarsely before walking slowly and carefully over to the bed and sitting on it.
I tried not to stare at her, feeling rage build up inside of me. Her hair was a ratty mess. Her eyes were red and swollen. There was a red handprint on her face, another one on her neck and I didn't want to imagine the other handprints probably everywhere else. The light in her eye was gone. She was dull. Her jean jacket was wrinkled. She was slouched, making her look even smaller than she already was.
I approached her slowly, unsure of what to do. I crouched in front of her, tilting my head, forcing her to make eye contact with me. She raised her eyes to look at me. It broke my heart to see the pain and turmoil in the beautiful green eyes. Hesitantly I held my hand out and she took it. I rubbed my thumb over her hand, caressing it carefully. I felt it tremble.
"Shortcake." I told her quietly. "I know I haven't been good at keeping my promises lately, but I swear on that throne, my honor, and on my life." My voice darkened and I narrowed my eyes. "He will pay for everything he's done. He will pay for hurting my people, and he will pay for what he's done to you."
Jessie smiled weakly at me. It didn't reach her eyes. "Okay." She pulled on my hand and I sat down beside her. She leaned into me, holding me tightly. "Just hold me for a second, okay?"
I complied and wrapped my arms around her, wishing I could do more for her at that moment. But she seemed content and sighed into my embrace. "What's next?" She asked me quietly. "How do we finish this?"
I rested my chin on the top of her head, sighing deeply. "I don't know yet." I told her honestly. "But I'll figure something out."
She was asleep in my arms a few minutes later.
I heard the door jiggle before I was fully awake and I sat up quickly. Jessie stirred beside me, but I laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, calming her down. I quietly got out of the small bed we had been sleeping in and stood in front of the door, planting my feet, ready for a fight if I saw an opening.
A man walked in with a tray of prison food. He had a taser in his hand and I dropped my hands, losing hope. I couldn't win. He glanced at me awkwardly as he set the tray down. He had dark hair and fair skin, the normal Razian blend. Jessie was awake by now and was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the man through narrowed eyes. I walked over to her and sat beside her, feeling protective. The man wouldn't make eye contact with me as he glanced around the room, probably making sure there were no signs of escape. There were none. He turned to leave but I stopped him.
"What's your name?" I asked him in razien. I knew I didn't have much control at that point, but somehow I sounded intimidating.
The man turned slowly, looking somewhat nervous. "Ajax." He told me.
"Ajax." I tried the name out on my tongue as I stood up. "You might want to listen now." I told him menacingly. "I remember who has wronged me and who has not stood for me. And they pay for those wrong doings, is that understood?"
Ajax nodded and I detected a glint of fear in his eyes but he composed himself. "I am loyal to the king." He told me smugly.
I growled. "I will be king, so deal with that. Now get out of my cell."
The man was much too eager to get out of that cell. I saw his hand twitch as if he was about to salute me and then thought better of it. He was out of my cell in an instant.
"You certainly gave him a scare." Jessie told me dryly as I sat down next to her. "What did you tell him?"
I cracked my knuckles. "That when I'm king he's going to pay." I muttered, still angry. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and put an arm around Jessie. She didn't flinch, which made me hope a little bit. "How are you feeling?" I asked her softly.
Jessie shrugged. "I'll be okay." She told me non-convincingly. She felt broken underneath my arms.
I felt myself tremble angrily. It made me mad. It made me mad that it was my father who took the girl I might love and have her. It made me angry that he had hurt her. It made me mad he had broken her the way she was. Then I counted to ten. I needed to be strong for Jessie and for the rest of my country. I couldn't let my anger get in the way of decisions or my thoughts.
Something damp hit my shirt and I pulled away from Jessie hurriedly, realizing she had let a single tear fall. She looked up at me, blinking. More tears were threatening to fall. "I'm sorry." Her voice was thick. "I can't help it."
A lump came to my throat. She didn't think she had the right to cry. "Shortcake." I took her hands in mine. "It's okay to cry sometimes." Another tear fell and my heart twisted painfully. "And whenever you cry, no matter the reason, I'll be there for you, okay?" This time there was something wet on my own face and I realized tears were falling from my eyes. Jessie nodded and on impulse I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She didn't reject it. She leaned forward into my chest and gave a resigned sigh. "Hunter." She muttered.
"You're my best friend."
Jessie was all I had left. I couldn't lose her. "You're my best friend too, Shorty."
*** this chapter was extremely hard to write. I was trying to be sensitive to rape victims and trying to stay PG13. I don't know if that happened, but if you feel offended, I'm sorry. Anyway, in my opinion this is an important filler chapter because not much happens, but the Jester ship strengthens. I had real to bad writers block and this was really hard to write...but here it is, and please vote comment and follow :)

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