She's Going To Arrest Me

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"What the hell happened?"
I griped the steering wheel tightly as Jessie woke up. "Hey." I told her weakly.
Jessie blinked at me a few times before she exploded. "You!" She screamed. "Oh you are so getting arrested for this!"
I scoffed. "I'd like to see your buddies try."
She slapped my arm. "Take." Slap. "Me." Slap. "Home." Slap. "Right." Slap. "Now." One final slap.
I batted her away, even though my arm was stinging. "Don't hit the driver." I told her absent-mindedly.
I saw Jessie reach for her tazer, but I had already removed it while she had been sleeping. "Were you really going to try and taze me?" I asked her. "That'd be really bad considering I'm driving, so do you have a death wish or something?"
Jessie gave me a glare as cold as ice. "I think you do. I am so killing you."
I rolled me eyes. "Simmer down shorty."
Okay, that probably wasn't the smartest thing to call her at that moment. A string of profanities left Jessie's mouth as she once again resumed giving me very hard slaps that made me wince.
"I am about to make something of yours very short and you're not going to like it." She threatened.
I winced. Wow. "Attitude." I muttered. Jessie slapped my arm again. "Gosh!" I exploded. "At least I didn't tie you up and muzzle you even though I'm wishing I did. Now simmer down and listen to me."
That got her to shut up. She crossed her arms and glared at me. "I'm listening." She told me.
I sighed. "Thank you." I rubbed my head forehead. "Look, I didn't want to bring you with me. I really wish I didn't. You're obnoxious. No offense."
Jessie snorted. "How am I not-"
I held up a hand. "Now would be a great time to shut your pie hole. You're giving me a headache."
Jessie made a grunting noise and settled back into her seat. "You better have a good reason for abducting me." She grumbled.
I shrugged. "I was protecting myself."
Jessie rolled her eyes. "You are so annoying."
"Look," I held up my hand. "I'll let you leave in twenty four hours. I just had to give the razien men time to get away so you couldn't take them to the station and get me in trouble."
Jessie sat up a little straighter. "You didn't kill them?" She asked me a if the thought was too strange to process.
I shook my head slightly. "Now shut up. We have a long drive and I don't want to hear your voice."
Jessie mumbled some foul words directed towards me before she turned away from me and curled her tiny frame into a ball. "I'm so arresting you after this pea brain." She muttered.
I smirked.
Just try Shorty.

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