We Serve Different People

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Credit to Thestarsinthesky9 for the awesome cover!!!!
I pulled the hood of my hoodie up and pushed my sunglasses further up my nose. People pushed on either side of me as they scrambled to get in their train. I followed the flow of traffic and quickly boarded the train with them. Beneath my sunglasses my eyes moved quickly, searching and never stopping. I heard Chicago was a good place to hide, but one could never be too careful.

There was a pregnant women sitting heavily in a seat. She really shouldn't be traveling alone on the streets of Chicago. A few seats away I noticed a man with twitchy eyes and ever moving fingers. No doubt he had secrets. On the opposite end of the car there was a girl in combat boots and a leather jacket. She looked extremely bored as she tapped away on her smartphone. I stuck one of my hands in my pockets, feeling the small handgun I had smuggled in there. It was my ever present companion. One form of self defense. I needed to stay alive.

I had stayed alive on my own for two months, I could do it again.

My other hand held a lone grocery bag. It was the only reason I ever left my apartment.

I heard my stop announced over the microphone and the moment the train was stopped I allowed myself to be carried off into the crowd. I kept my head down and never looked at someone in the eye. My hands stayed in my pockets, always ready to use a weapon of my choice if it was needed. Once I got out on the streets I walked quickly to my apartment, occasionally looking around making sure no one was following. There was no one, save for a few civilians minding their own business.

I looked around quickly as I reached my apartment and dashed inside quickly. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes as I set down the grocery bag. It only had bread, meats and cheeses in it but it was enough to get me by.

"Not quite fit for a prince it would seem like?"

I heard a thick Ranezian accent in the english sentence and my eyes flew open as fast as my hands help up my cocked and ready handgun. I could already see a few men lounging in my kitchen. Four to be exact. Though they looked at ease, I knew at any moment they could kill me.

I held my gun steady. "Afternoon gentlemen." I told them coldly. "Do tell me if you are planning on staying for dinner so I can get some food more appropriate for our ranks."

The first man chuckled. "You never change, Hunter. I do wish we could get along."

I raised a dark eyebrow that matched my dark hair. "We serve different people Jimmy."

"Yes that is a pity." I watched warily as Jimmy and the others stood up. "Unfortunately my leader has given me orders to kill you, so I'm afraid that needs to happen."

At those words I felt no regrets at pulling my trigger. Jimmy dodged to the side without much thought but the man beside him wasn't so lucky and fell to the floor. Jimmy whipped out his gun and I heard a few shots ring out as I threw myself to the floor.

I gave myself two counts to breath before I shoot back up and emptied my gun on the men in front of me. Only Jimmy still stood after a moment. He gave me a sad look before he raised his gun again and pulled the trigger. I moved quickly but not quick enough because I felt a searing pain on my side. I gritted my teeth before I rushed at Jimmy and drew my knife quickly. It was a dirty move, but I needed to stay alive. I grabbed Jimmy's collar and plunged the blade into his chest and twisted. The life left Jimmy's eyes pretty fast after that.

I set his body down gently and went quickly to my bedroom and grabbed my backpack, grabbing a set of clothes as I rushed out. I shouldered the bag as I grabbed a few oranges and my grocery bag. I shoved my handguns into my pockets and my backpack. It looked like I was on the run again.

"Stupid family." I muttered as I stepped outside locking the door. My side was stinging pretty bad by now.

"Family isn't my strong point either."

I groaned as I spun around with my gun once again. "Why can't you guys leave me alone?" I growled.

The girl in front of me stared at the gun with wariness. "Easy kid." She said. I didn't miss her hand go discreetly into her pocket where a weapon probably was. "I didn't do anything wrong."

I narrowed my eyes at her. It was the bored looking girl from the train. "You followed me from the station." I told her. "What do you want?"

The girl raised an eyebrow. "I did not follow you here. I live on the next street over and I heard gunshots so I came to check it out."

I looked over her carefully. She was short, maybe five foot five with long dark brown hair. She didn't look scary at first glance but I noticed some defined muscles in her skinny jeans. Her leather jacket was probably hiding more muscle. She had green eyes and a small petite nose. Her accent was not even close to razenian. She was no threat to me.

I pocketed my gun. "You're a stupid girl." I muttered. "You better get out of here before the police come. They're going to want someone to question and I'm not sticking around."

The girl bristled. "Call me stupid again and I can guarantee you won't be around much longer." She hissed.

I raised an eyebrow before shaking my head. "Whatever." I jogged down my steps and walked briskly.

"Hey where are you going?"

I didn't answer. No one needed to know anything about me.

I heard her footsteps behind me and I sighed. "Can I come?" I heard her ask.

"You don't know who I am."

"That can always change."

"I could be dangerous."

"You could never hurt a fly."

I frowned. "You're really bad at reading people."

The girl laughed. "No I'm actually really good at it. Want me to try?"

I sighed and looked around warily. I heard the police sirens but maybe I was in a safe range by now.

"You're running from something."

I looked at her. "What makes you say that."

"You're constantly looking around, always on edge."

I frowned. "Whatever."

"You also are not used to living on your own. What happened, did your family abandon you?"

I shrugged. "Something like that." I put my hand on my torn and bloodied shirt and looked down as a police car sped by. Thankfully it was just a flesh wound and would heal within a few days. It wasn't the worse I could have.

"You're not from around here."

I shrugged again. "Doesn't matter."

"Did you know I'm helping you right now?"

I spared her a glance. "What are you talking about?"

"No one is ever going to suspect a couple taking a brisk walk together."

"You're being st-" I paused at the look she gave me. "Silly." I finished. "You can't trust me."

The girl stopped walking and for some reason I paused too. "That's another thing." She told me seriously. "Yeah I can. You're not a criminal and your problems aren't from his country which would probably be the reason you killed those men in your house. I was watching in the window by the way. I got curious." She began walking again. "My names Jessie by the way. C'mon, let's get you further away from here."

I shook my head slightly before I followed her. I needed to get ride of her. No one belonged in my life anymore. Not now.

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