I Set Her Off

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Something hard but kinda fluffy hit my head and I groaned, rubbing my eyes sleepily.
"You slept in." I heard Jessie tell me from my doorway.
I yawned and looked at my watch. It read 4:55 am. I swore under my breath. "You couldn't wait until my alarm went off in five minutes? And did you have to throw a pillow at me? Couldn't you just shake me awake or something like normal people?" I looked up and saw Jessie in my doorway, covering her eyes. "Um, What are you doing?" I asked her slowly.
"Are you decent?"
"Uh," I scratched my neck. "Excuse me?"
Jessie sighed, exasperated. "What are you wearing?"
I looked down. "Uh, sweats?"
Jessie removed her hand and sighed in relief. "As long as it wasn't boxers." She set her hand on her hips in a determined way. "Will you hurry up? In case you haven't noticed, I'm new to being a criminal. I would like to get out of the hotel very soon instead of being arrested."
I nodded in understanding, for once agreeing with her. "Give me ten minutes shortcake. I'll be ready."
"You know, twenty four hours ago I was drinking coffee as I got ready for work. That seems like forever ago. So much has changed."
I raised an eyebrow. "That was a cliche thing to say Shorty."
I could feel Jessie throwing daggers into the side of my head. "Stop being critical Hunter." She demanded of me.
I shrugged and there was silence for a few minutes until Jessie sighed. "I'm bored."
I shrugged again. "Then do something about it." I told her.
Jessie turned to face me. "So what's your story?" She asked me.
I inhaled air so fast I nearly choked. "What are you talking about?" I asked her nervously.
Jessie raised an eyebrow. "I'm not an idiot. I know you're a prince of some type. Those men said it again and again. So why do people keep trying to kill you?"
I shrugged. "Princes are always worth a price to someone." I evaded her.
"So why are you here, and not in your country?"
I remained silent.
"Are you trying to escape an arranged marriage?" Jessie asked seriously. "Was she ugly?"
I shook my head. "No."
"Hmm." Jessie tapped her chin. "You don't want to be king?"
I shook my head again. "No, I want to be king."
Jessie snapped her fingers. "Oh I got it! You were banned from your country and you have to go on some mission to restore your honor!" Jessie looked remotely pleased with her suggestion.
I cocked my head while still keeping an eye on the road. "Isn't that part of some TV show or something?"
Jessie blushed a tiny bit. "I have no idea what you are talking about."
I rolled my eyes. "Why were you crying last night?" I asked her quickly, before she could go on with her guessing game.
Jessie say up quickly, her playful expression gone and replaced with a look of anguish and anger. "I wasn't crying." She told me fiercely.
"Yes you were." I told her. "Your eyes were wet last night."
Jessie snorted. "Get your eyes checked Hunter, because I don't cry." She snapped. "The day I cry is the day you die and I shed tears of happiness."
I winced. "Ouch." I muttered.
Jessie didn't waver. "Just because you are a prince does not mean I will give you the kind words you've been used to." She sneered. "Not everyone worships you."
I tried to hide my shock. Was she bipolar or something? What is wrong with her. "I know not everyone worships me, Shorty." I told her. "That's why there are people trying to kill me, remember?"
She seemed to relax ever so slightly at her nickname. She continued to glare at me though for the next few minutes.
Finally I sighed. "What do I have to do to get you to stop glaring at me?"
"Get me out of your life." She snapped. "This isn't my mission. I should have never spoken to you."
I shrugged. Gosh, what had set her off? "Not an option." I told her. "You're stuck with me. The police are looking for you and even if you manage to convince them that you're not a criminal, the Razians would find you and use you as bait again. Contrary to your beliefs, I actually care for people and I don't let people get hurt because of me. They know I would come for you."
Jessie groaned. "I'm not a little girl." She told me hoarsely. "I can take care of myself."
I shook my head, feeling almost sympathetic for her. "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me."
Jessie cursed at me, but then she was quiet. She turned her back to me and pulled her knees up to her chest. I wondered if she was crying but then I remembered she doesn't cry.
"I won't let you get hurt." I told her. "You can trust me."
And I criticized her for being cliche? Kill me now. Now I sound all sappy and lame.
Jessie muttered some more foul words at me. Then after a few minutes she said.
One word, but it made me smile.

Okay, I'm sorry it's so short. And depressing. And im sorry you have to see that side of Jessie, no one likes it. Sorry. But she has her reasons.

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