Can I Punch His Lights Out Now

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I stood quietly behind the door listening intensely as I heard Jessie open the door. I still wasn't sure what I thought about her. She seemed genuinely confused when I heard footsteps coming up, but she trusted me too fast. What kind of girl thinks it's okay to bring a shady guy like me into her apartment.
She's not all there. My brain told me. I furrowed my eyebrows. She seemed all there. She was a little strange and headstrong, but other than that it seemed like her brain was in tact.
"I need you to leave." I heard Jessie tell someone.
There was arguing. I recognized the accent. Razien. Picture an accent between Hispanic and Arabic. Yep, there you have it.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Jessie was still arguing with them. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave one more time or I'll call my precinct."
I heard the muffled voice argue once again and then Jessie answered again. "Did you just threaten me?" She asked angrily. "Oh you are so going to pay for that."
I tried not to groan out loud as I heard a scuffle. Yep, she was an idiot. You don't go around threatening razenians. We don't appreciate it.
I opened the door and walked out. There was no way I was going to let a girl take the fall for me. This was my problem. I wasn't going to hide behind a door while they hurt an innocent girl. I stopped in my tracks at what I saw.
Jessie had one arm around an unconscious man's neck with a gun pointed at another man who had his own gun pointed at her. They both looked at me in shock. Then Jessie groaned. "What are you doing you idiot?" She asked me. "I had it all under control!"
The razien man pointed his own gun at me. "You come with me." He told me in razien.
I didn't move. "Get out of here." I said in a low voice, speaking in my first language.
I heard a thump to my side as Jessie let go of the unconscious man and she stomped up in between the two of us. "Can I punch his lights out now?" She asked me.
We both gave her a strange look.
Jessie shrugged. "Okay." Before I could react she had lifted up one of her feet, pivoted quickly and smashed her foot into the temple of the Razien man. He crumpled to the ground without a sound.
I stared at her, shocked. "What the heck are you doing?" I asked her. "You just took out two of their men! You weren't supposed to fight them! You were supposed to be an innocent person who didn't know who I was! Why did you get so stupid!"
Jessie shrugged. "They told me I was short."
"Jessie, you're like a midget. Of course they're going to call you short. Who isn't?"
Jessie raised her hand to slap me but I quickly ducked out of the way.
"Anyway," I said. "Thanks for letting me crash for fifteen minutes." I grabbed a banana as I walked towards the door. "Bye though."
Jessie raised an eyebrow. "See you around dark and mysterious."
I saluted quickly to her before I walked out and shut the door. I needed some place new to live. Preferably where I wouldn't get found for a few months. I had only took two steps before I froze and turned back to her door and knocked.
She opened it after a few seconds giving me a knowing look. "did you forget something?" She asked me.
I scratched my neck awkwardly. "So what were you planning on doing with those bodies?" I asked.
Jessie shrugged. "I thought I'd cut them up and freeze them and maybe make a stew out of them someday."
I took a step back from surprise.
Jessie looked thoughtful. "I'll probably pickle the eyeballs. Those will make delicious delicacies."
"Uh..." I didn't know what to say. "You're joking right?"
Jessie gave me a disgusted look. "Of course I'm joking pea brain."
I sighed in relief. "Okay. What are you really planning on doing with them."
Jessie shrugged. "I figured I'd take them down to the station. They did technically break into my house."
I went into panic mode. "You can't do that." I told her. "They'll spill the beans on me and soon American police will be looking for me too. I can't have that. Razien is bad enough."
Jessie shrugged. "Not my problem kid."
I grabbed her shoulders and panicked more. "You can't do that!" I told her fiercely. "Just an hour ago you were protecting me. Now you're just making is worse."
Jessie gave me a cold glare and shrugged my hands off with contempt. "Don't touch me." She told me with a voice of steel. "And I wasn't protecting you in particular. I was protecting an innocent boy who needed help. You don't need help anymore. I'd suggest getting out of the town before these guys wake up and my buddies question them."
I stood up tall and gave her a hard glare. "And what if I kill them while they are unconscious?" I asked her.
Jessie's eyes flashed dangerously. "They're innocent. I don't remember them trying to kill you."
I felt my nose twitch. "One of them pointed his gun at me."
"I didn't see his finger ever touch the trigger. He would never have shot at you."
"They want me dead." I growled.
"Are you really fighting with me?" Jessie asked me. "Killing them isn't self defense. It's murder, and I'm sorry to say I don't approve of that. And if you kill them or even attempt to I will have you tazed before you can turn around."
I threw up my hands in frustration. "You're impossible."
"I'm fair." Jessie argued.
I glared at her before I did a really stupid thing. I lunged for her. Jessie's eyes widened in surprise as I attacked her, got behind her and snaked one arm around her midsection and another around her neck. She made a gagging noise as she reached for my arm and tried desperately to get it off. I lifted her off the ground to make the process go faster and her legs instantly became kicking machines as she gasped for more breath. One of her feet hit my knee and I hissed at the pain, but I didn't let up on my strength. Slowly Jessie's struggle became weaker and after a couple minutes she was completely still. I let her go slowly, ready for any surprises in case she was faking anything. I wiped a package out of my pocket, unwrapped it and held the cloth to her nose, forcing her to breath it in. Yes I carry chloroform cloths with me. They come in handy. After a minute of staring at her laying on the ground, I decided she was completely unconscious. I knelt down and felt for her pulse. It was steady. She was going to be fine.
I got up quickly and ran to the closest in her bedroom. As I suspected there were canvas bags of all shapes and sizes. I grabbed a backpack and ran back to the kitchen and started filling it with all the fruit and vegetables and bread I saw in her house. It wasn't really stealing. Just borrowing, and I probably wasn't going to return it.
It only took a few seconds with a guilty conscious for me to sigh and dig into my pocket producing some bills and laying them on the counter.
Humanity. Gosh it's annoying.
Do you know what else is annoying. The fact that I know Jessie was right. I couldn't kill the men when they were laying unconscious in her living room. It's inhuman and I would probably never forgive myself. Which is why I had come up with a plan that was idiotic but I didn't see any other choice.
I grabbed the keys I saw on the kitchen counter, swung the back pack onto my back and picked up Jessie into my arms.
Yes, I am carrying Jessie and taking her with me. You can tell me I'm an idiot now. But what else am I supposed to do? Leave her so she can take those men to the station? I don't think so.
I got out of her apartment quickly and locked the door behind me. I began walking down the stairs and was halfway down when I heard someone coming up. I looked around frantically. There was no where to hide. I'm so screwed.
"Oh my gosh! Is she okay!" It was a woman with long red hair and she looked frantic.
I nodded quickly. "I think so." I said. "She just passed out while she was making us an early dinner though. I'm taking her to the hospital now." That was the dumbest lie ever Hunter. You're so busted.
The lady looked very concerned. "Oh how awful." She stopped short. "Who are you?" She asked me.
"Her boyfriend." I told her smoothly. "You haven't seen me around?"
She shook her head. "No I'm not very observant I guess."
I shifted Jessie's weight slightly. "Well I really need to get her to the hospital so if you'll be so kind to let me go..."
"Oh." The woman stepped aside hurriedly. "Go go!"
I nodded my thanks to her as I stepped quickly down the stairs. Once we were outside I fumbled with the keys for a second before I found the button. A couple cars away the back lights flashed and I breathed a sigh of relief as I unlocked her truck and eased her into the passenger seat, making sure to buckle her. I had approximately an hour to get as far away from here as possible before she woke up.
I climbed in the driver's seat, threw the backpack behind me and started the car. I backed out of the small parking space and sped up quickly, but not past the speed limit. No need to attract the police.
I needed to get out of here before more of my hunters showed up.

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