I Work Alone

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There was absolute silence in the truck for two hours. It was starting to get a little dull, so I took the chance and opened my mouth. Better than dying of complete boredom.
"Your radio doesn't work." I informed her.
Jessie snorted. "If that's your idea of a conversation starter you're pathetic."
I tapped the wheel. "So you're a police trainee?" I asked.
Jessie continued staring out the window. "What's it to you?" She asked.
I dug a little deeper, desperate to ask the question I'd been aching to ask. "Why aren't you trying to escape? I did kidnap you."
Jessie shrugged. "How do you know I'm not plotting right now."
I paused. "I guess I don't." I told her honestly.
Jessie turned her head so she was staring straight ahead. "Don't worry delinquent, I'm not."
I smirked. "And why should I believe that?"
Jessie shrugged again. "You don't have to." She told me. "But I honestly don't care to escape. I live for adventure. Call me stupid, but my life has been pretty dull. This is the most interesting thing that's happened to me in my life and as far as I can tell, you're not going to hurt me."
I thought for a second. "I strangled you and gassed you." I reminded her. "There has to be another reason."
Jessie shrugged and resumed staring out the window. We were silent for another five minutes. Then she spoke again.
"My only goal in life is to help people." She whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear. "You looked like you needed help when you walked out of your apartment. Maybe you need a partner or protector, maybe you don't. But I do want to help."
I tapped the wheel with my fingers for a few minutes, processing what she said. I made my decision. "Sorry, I don't need help." I told her. Never trust someone to the point where you might actually need their help.
Jessie continued staring out the window for a few more minutes then she spoke again. "Can I tell you something?" She asked in a hoarse whisper.
I shrugged. "I guess."
Jessie's voice returned to normal. "If I don't get food soon I am going to kill you and you're not going to like it."
I groaned as I started to look for a Burger King sign.

I unbuckled as we pulled into the Burger King parking lot. "Okay, so this is fast, okay? Bathroom and food at the same time. Got it?" I handed her ten bucks. "There's your money for food."
Jessie grabbed the money happily and jumped out of the truck. "Got it." She told me before she practically skipped across the parking lot.
I got out quickly and stared after her. "Hey Jessie!" I called. She stopped and faced me. "You better not leave." I told her, hoping we didn't seem suspicious.
Of course we probably did.
Jessie shrugged at me. "I already told you Hunter." She called. "I'm not."
I followed her a little less excited across the parking lot and went inside, allowing the slimy and greasy air enter my lungs. I tried not to gag. It was during these times I missed my previous life of glamor and splendor.
I watched as Jessie chatted easily with the cashier as she ordered her food and then she bid him goodbye as she excused herself to use the restroom. I watched her with a careful eye as she passed me and walked to the bathroom, giving me a bright look on her way.
Gosh, she really loved Burger King.
I shook my head and ordered my Whopper and Dr. Pepper before I headed to the bathroom. When I came out my order was ready. I grabbed it and sipped my drink as I looked around for Jessie.
I didn't see her.
I raised an eyebrow and walked casually out to my-I mean Jessie's truck and sat in my seat watching the door carefully. She was probably still in the bathroom. Didn't girls love taking their time in there or something?
After ten minutes of eating a whopper and drinking my pop though, I got a little anxious. I allowed five more minutes to pass before I sighed and walked back to the restaurant and straight to the cashier.
"Excuse me." I asked him. "But did a short girl with dark hair come get her food here recently?"
The guy nodded. "Yep, about fifteen twenty minutes ago she picked up her butt load of food and walked out to that truck over there. Why? Did you lose her? She your girlfriend?"
I pulled my lips together into a straight line. "She likes disappearing on me sometimes." I told him. "She's isn't completely right in the head if you know what I mean."
The cashier nodded. "Sure."
I sighed and walked back out to the truck. Well, obviously she had left, probably hoping she could get a hold of someone with some sort of power before I went looking for her.
I started the car and turned it back onto the highway. I wasn't going to go look for her. She was mixed up enough in my mess. It was better to leave her out. At this point she had probably already found someone, so my main goal right now was to get the heck out of here before someone caught up to me.
I only made it ten minutes before my cell phone rang. I looked at it warily. Only a few people knew my number and it was a very well kept number. The number on the screen said unknown. Normally I wouldn't answer, but something was almost taunting me to answer it.
So I did.
"Hello?" I asked in a low voice.
"My Prince." A razien voice teased. "We got your girlfriend."
I sucked in my breath. "You have the wrong number." I told them. "I don't have a girlfriend."
"You know we don't Hunter."
I growled. "What do you want?"
"Do you want the girl back?"
I sighed. "Not really. Thanks for taking her off my back though."
"Then you're okay if she dies?"
I froze for a moment. "You don't want to kill an innocent." I told him slowly.
"No." The voice corrected me. "You don't want an innocent killed."
I stayed silent.
"If you don't want an innocent killed, I'd suggest listening My Prince."
I growled again. "Then start talking sense."
The voice laughed. "Keep driving straight for another hour my prince. There's a warehouse at exit 320. Go in there and we'll sort this whole thing out like royals. If you're not here in an hour though, she dies. And it'll be painful."
I growled. "I'll be there, but you'll regret it." I slammed my phone shut and sped up a bit.
I hate people.

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