I Wasn't Ready

132 11 2

I tackled my dad.
Now let me tell you that is one of the stupidest things I've ever done. I forgot that he had set up all my training programs and he had overseen all my activities. He knew exactly what I was capable of, and tackling the person who knows more about yourself than you in that aspect is a bad idea.h He caught one of my fists as I tried to pummel him to the ground. I winced when my arm jarred painfully, reminding me of the strength he had in him. We made eye contact for a fleeting moment before he literally threw me off of him.
I flew into the air and landed painfully on the cement steps. I heard my back crack and I winced. I had been trying to get my back cracked for a couple weeks now, but this is not what I had in mind. I stood up slowly, wincing and rubbing my head, making sure my head was still in tact.
My father stood a good ten feet ahead, watching me silently. His identical dark eyes flashed dangerously and I growled. He was just playing with me.
I took my time this time, approaching him carefully. Around us, men tackled each other and occasionally a gun shot went off. In the distance I could hear Jessie screaming bloody murder at people. I shrugged it off and blocked her voice out of my head. She could handle herself for the time.
I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. The sweat still tried to trickle into my eyes and I shook my head.
My father sneered at me. "You can't take me, Hunter. You never could."
I growled, remembering the times my father had forced me to spar with him. "I've gotten a lot stronger." I spat at him.
My father lazily cocked his head. "You're inexperienced." He told me bluntly.
I took a quick step forward and I smiled when I saw him set a foot behind him. "Wrong." I told him quietly, only he could hear me. "You've put me through hell. I think I could take the devil at this point."
I watched apprehension flicker through my father's eyes as I approached him. My head was throbbing but my fingers were aching to snake around his neck and strangle the life out of him. My father ducked quickly as I threw an experienced punch at his face. My hand connected with nothing and I rebalanced myself in time to duck from his own advances. A moment later my father and I were a tangled flurry of punches. He landed a good one square on my nose and I heard something crack and blood trickled down my face.
People really need to realize that when I get injured, I get angrier, and when I get angry, my fighting gets better. My fist came back and powered towards his head. His head flew back as my fist made contact. There was a snap and his body seemed to go stiff as it fell to the ground. I darted forward, putting a firm foot on his chest and glaring angrily into his eyes.
He was still alive of course, but he didn't move, just glared back at me. "You can't be king." He spat at me. "You're not ready."
I rested an elbow on my knee as I got closer to him. "I don't want to be king." I told him grimly. "I don't want to have the power to kill others. I don't want to command an army. I don't want that responsibility." I could feel myself trembling with anger. "But the world doesn't care what I want. I'll still be a better King than you because I can think and tell right from wrong." I straightened up a little bit. "You're a monster." I told him grimly. "I'm humane, and I can only hope that if I ever become insane like you, someone will overthrow me so my country will be safe from me."
I removed my foot from his chest. I knew he couldn't move. The crack I heard from when I punched him had been the sound of his neck cracking. He was paralyzed. He seemed to realize it the same moment as me. His face completely drained of color and his head bobbed up and down. "I-I can't move." He sounded terrified. He looked pathetic.
I sighed As I turned my back to him. I would deal with him later.
"Don't leave me like this." His voice trembled. "I can't live like this."
I stopped, my shoulders heaving. Did I want to kill him because I felt bad for him or because I wanted revenge? Without a second thought I stooped down and picked up a stray hand gun. I cocked it and weighed it in my hand. It still had a bullet or two in the barrel.
I looked up and made eye contact with Jessie from across the courtyard. Her eyes moved to my father and back to me. I gave her a pleading look. What was I supposed to do? I said I was humane, but just killing him? Was that what was best for my country?
She nodded to me.
My heart stopped thumping for a moment.
He was the last of my family, even if he was a monster.
He was a threat to my country.
I hesitated still, he was immobile. What could he do?
Suddenly Jessie was standing in front of me. Pieces of hair were in her face and blood was seeping from her lip. One of her eyes was discolored. "Why are you hesitating?" She asked me quietly, gently.
I took a shaky breath. "He needs to die." I told her slowly, convincing myself. "He ruined my country, abused it's people, and if it were any other man I would not hesitate in ending his life."
Jessie nodded, understanding. "What is holding you back?" She asked me, still gently.
I took another deep breath. This man did not belong in my family. "Nothing." I told her simply.
I spun around switly and pulled the trigger. The shot rang out loud in my ears. I lowered my hand. Jessie laid a comforting hand on my arm.
It was over.

So....the end!! Don't worry, there's an epilogue. I'll start working on it now....

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