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~five years later~
I sat wearily in my seat as the men in from of me argued across the table and yelled numbers across the table. "We don't have the money to train all the soldiers like that." One of them argued.
"We need to have fully trained and able troops." Another one of my advisers argued. "The world around us is getting darker."
I sighed and stood up slowly, clearing my throat and catching the attention of the dozen men in front of me. "I want my troops able and ready for anything." I told them firmly. "Train them." One of the men opened his mouth to protest but I held up a hand to stop him. "If you need money, take it out of my salary or whatever my money comes from. I don't care, I don't need it. I have plenty." I rubbed my forehead. "Meeting adjourned." I muttered.
The men around slowly began moving around and collecting their papers and documents. As they walked out they nodded their heads to me or tipped their hat in respect. A few minutes later the room was once again empty. I grabbed my own bag and walked out of the room, tiredly.
Yes, there were times I liked being King, but I absolutely hated being stuck in a room trying to make the best decisions for the country.
I walked across the quiet courtyard. Leaves crunched under my feet. The fall winds were starting to take affect. The fresh air was starting to clear my head and I finally began feeling like myself again.
I zeroed in on a person standing in the middle of the courtyard, waiting for me. I smiled and quickened my pace and after a moment my arms were wrapped around her. "Hey Shortcake." I muttered into her hair. "How was your day?"
Jessie pulled back and got up on her tip toes, planting a kiss on my lips. "I read, I went for a run, I went to the gun range." She shrugged. "It was normal." She gazed back up at me as we began walking inside. "How was yours?"
I gave her a crooked smile. "Someone inform me how being surrounded by my royal advisors makes a good day." I told her simply. "My head is throbbing."
Jessie smirked and pulled me back in for a kiss. "If you were with the advisors today, does that mean you get to grace your wife with your presence tomorrow?" She murmured when we were through.
I smiled adoringly at her. "Of course." I couldn't get tired of her. Yes we fought like a married couple, I mean we are a married couple after all, but we always made it through. And after I took care of my father, I took the throne. Jessie stuck around. She didn't have anyone to miss back in America, so I made her a citizen, and a year later we got married. Which of course, made the little five foot tall Shortcake in front of me, Queen of Razen.
"Hunter." Jessie was standing in front of me, her black leather jacket adorning her small frame. We were in our bedroom now. "What are you thinking about?" She looked up at me curiously.
I smirked. "Us." I gave her a quick kiss before I began changing into some much more comfortable clothes. Also known as sweatpants and a T-shirt. I'm such a professional King. But hey, at the ripe age of twenty-three, no one can expect me to give up sweats just for some title on paper.
"Hunter." Jessie caught my attention, she had a weird look on her face.
I pulled the shirt off over my head and glanced at her. "Shorty." I returned.
"Hunter, I'm pregnant."
I froze. The shirt I was about to put on was forgotten in my hands. I stared at her, awestruck. She was smiling nervously. I approached her slowly. "Are you sure?" I breathed.
Jessie nodded. "I've gotten a lot of tests done." She whispered. "There's definitely a baby in there." She patted her stomach and laughed quietly.
Jessie and I had talked a little bit about having children, but I hadn't expected it this soon. Was I ready to be a father? What if-
"Hunter." Jessie's hands were on my face. She stared up at me, concerned. "You're not going to be like your father. You're going to be a great father."
I couldn't stop the smile from breaking out on my face. "I'm a father." I breathed. "We're gonna have a family."
Jessie nodded eagerly and I couldn't help myself. I swooped down and kissed her hard, picking her up bridal style. Jessie giggled and held onto me tightly. "Do you want a prince or a princess?" She asked me breathlessly.
I thought for a moment. "Princess." I told her quietly. "Something like you."
Jessie raised an eyebrow. "I was quite the handful." She warned me. A smile slipped on her face. "I want a prince."
I kissed her forehead. "Well, I'm the king, and what I say goes Love, so it's going to be a princess." I told her seriously.
Jessie roller her eyes. "Hunter, that's not how it works."
I shrugged. "Prove it."
Eight months later, I got a princess.
The benefits of being a king.

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