I'll Find You

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Two hours. That's how long we had to wait for the old lady's husband to come in from the farm.
I was cranky. Jessie pointed it out to me about eight times.
I was tired. Jessie told me I kept dozing off.
I was hot. Jessie didn't tell me that though! I mean I was warm. Like sweaty hot.
Oh and I was hungry. Yes the lady brought us fried farm fresh eggs. (And then proceeded to tell us all the names of her three german Sheperds). But I gave them all to Jessie because she was hungry and I told her I wasn't. She gobbled them up within minutes. I felt kinda bad. We hadn't stopped for breakfast. I had to remember if we were going to travel together I have to actually keep her fed. Like a pet. Actually I probably shouldn't compare Jessie to a pet. She would have my hide.
Anyway, two hours later, the husband came ambling up the driveway. He was tall and skinny, but not in an unhealthy old person way. He was fit. And I knew if I had to fight with him, it would be a real fight. Funny how the first thought I had of people was if I could take him in a fight or not. I'm strange. He saw us from a distance and I expected slight hostility towards us, but when he got closer he was smiling warmly at us. I stood up quickly when he got close and Jessie did the same. Who knew what to expect.
He stopped in front of us and smiled, but his eyes scoured over me critically. "Hey kiddos." He said in a friendly tone. "What can I do for you?"
I cleared my throat. "Well, uh Sir," I wasn't used to calling someone Sir. I am the prince by the way. "One of our tires blew out a few miles away and I was hoping I could call a tow truck from town to help us out."
The man raised an eyebrow. "Where are you from?"
"Chicago." I answered honestly. Something told me this man could see through any lie I fed him.
"You two eloping?"
I felt my face get hot and Jessie started coughing from surprise.
"Absolutely not Sir." I told him, embarrassed. "We're just friends. Uh, old friends. We've been through a lot together." Well, part of that was true.
The man shrugged. "Sorry. Anyway," the man extended his hand. "My name is Kent. My wife is Lucy. C'mon in. I'd be more than happy to call town for you."
I groaned internally as he passed. Why hadn't I thought to ask the lady to just call for me? I was so stupid.
Jessie confirmed it for me. She grabbed my shoulder and went on her tiptoes, putting her lips to my ear. "Idiot." She whispered.
I glared at her but changed my face quickly when Kent turned to let us in. "Come on." He told me. "We haven't got all day and I'm hungry for lunch. I'm sure Lucy made enough for the two of you if you'd join us."
"We'd love to!" Jessie piped up.
I shrugged. I was hungry and we had no where else to go for a couple hours. Might as well take the free food.
Jessie and I sat at the kitchen table and I listened to Kent make arrangement with the tow truck people. After a few minutes he got off and joined us at the table. "They'll be here in three or four hours." He told me. "We only have one truck for our town and there was a bad accident on the other side of town so he needs to take car of that first."
Lucy set a plate in front of me that had a mouth watering sandwich on it. "You can have this while you wait." She told me and set down some identical plates in front of Jessie and Kent before she also sat down with her own sandwich.
"Thank you ma'am." I told her gratefully.
"Mmhm." Jessie agreed with a full mouth. "The eggs were delicious earlier by the way."
Lucy laughed, obviously delighted that we enjoyed her food. "You act like a couple of starved orphans." She joked with us.
Jessie and I made eye contact as we chuckled along with her. She wasn't far off.
Kent and Lucy were kind and funny. We laughed around the table for a half hour more than I had in a year. I could easily imagine Jessie and I sitting around the table with our grandparents. A few times I caught myself letting down my guard and enjoying myself. I had to quickly remind myself we weren't safe yet and who knew when we would be.
When we were done eating Jessie jumped up before Lucy could and cleared the plates. Lucy smiled and thanked her, but then she frowned when she realized Kent was on his way to going outside again. "What's the rush Kent?" She asked.
Kent tied up his farm boots. "The farm hand quite yesterday." He explained to her. "He said the work hurt his back too much. They just don't make young men the way they used to. I need to get out there sooner if I want these piglets tagged before dark."
I felt Jessie bump my back meaningfully. I cleared my throat. "Uh, do you need help?" I asked him. "I mean, it's not like I have anything else to do and in return for feeding me lunch and all..." I trailed off as Kent's face lit up.
"Your help would be appreciated." He told me earnestly. "Grab some boots out of the back room and meet me up front in a few minutes. Hustle though, the piglets won't tag themselves."
I nodded quickly and walked towards the back of the house, grabbing Jessie's wrist as I walked by her. She followed me and stood in the doorway as I found some boots of my size and started lacing them up.
"Yes?" She asked me.
"The second there's trouble, if the lady recognizes you, police show up, whatever, just run towards the woods in the back, okay? I'll find you."
Jessie nodded. "I don't think we're going to have trouble though." She whispered. "They seem harmless and I haven't seen a TV yet. They're pretty old fashioned."
I shrugged. "I'll be back in a few hours." I told her as I stood up. "Try to help Lucy out though, okay? We need her to like us if anything does happen."
Jessie nodded up at me. She looked a little nervous. Last time I left her alone she was drugged up and practically assaulted. I didn't blame her.
I set a protective hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "If anything happens, I'll find you." I promised her. "It'll be okay."
Jessie seemed to relax slightly and her signature smirk appeared on her mouth. "Have fun with those pigs Hunter." Her green eyes sparkled. "I'll have dinner ready when you get back and then we can be on our way of running again."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can't wait." I teased.

Okay, I'm sorry they've been so short lately. I've had writers block, but I think we're back in business for awhile. Please let me know what you think! It really does help me!! Vote? Comment? Read the rest? Lol okay thanks :)

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