We Are On TV

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I had just pulled some sweatpants on I had found in the dresser and was toweling off my dark wet hair when Jessie knocked on my door. "Hunter?" She sounded a little nervous. "I think you need to see this."
I shook my wet head to get rid of all the water and style it. "Okay I'll be there in a minute." I walked past the mirror and stopped. Jessie had been right when she said I probably had bruises under my shirt. Both my sides and my ribs were turning blue and yellow. I hadn't noticed them in the shower. I shrugged and threw on one of the random shirts I had found in my room. They were going to hurt later, but all well. There was no point crying about them.
I walked out my room and gave my wet head one final shake. "So what's up?" I asked her.
Jessie was sitting on the couch and she turned around and gave me a nervous look. "We're on the news."
I felt my blood run cold. "What?"
Jessie lifted up the remote and unpaused the tv.
-two teenagers who reportedly blew up a warehouse. The male is described as an eighteen year old who is about six feet with dark hair, blue eyes and a strong build. The girl is looked to be the same age and very short, also with dark brown hair and green eyes. The male has been reported to be a fugitive from his native country, Ranez. He goes by the name Hunter. The girl has been identified as Jessie Walker, a U.S. citizen and a police trainee. These two teenagers are dangerous criminals and any information on them is to be reported immediately.
The news lady switched to another topic, unconcerned that she had just put us on the radar for every police station in the nation.
Jessie spoke first. "They called me short!" She told me indignantly.
I groaned and threw myself on the couch. "We are so screwed."
"I've been marked as a criminal! How am I ever supposed to become a police officer now!"
I looked up at her and groaned again. "I was going to send you home on a train tomorrow or something. Now I can't get ride of you."
Jessie snorted. "That's the first thing on your mind? We're criminals now!"
I got up and threw a pillow at her. "Get to bed. We leave at five in the morning."
Jessie caught the pillow and stared at me. "In the morning? Are you crazy? Shouldn't we be leaving now? What if the people in the hotel had recognized us?"
"Because if we leave now it would look suspicious. And the hotel people normally don't pay attention to the details. We're fine. For the night at least."
Jessie grunted and stood up, making her way to her room. "This is ridiculous." She grumbled. "Night criminal."
I rolled my eyes and turned off the tv. "Good night shortcake."

I sat up in bed and listened for the sound that had woken me up. It came again and I bristled and jumped to my feet. Someone was half crying half screaming. I ran quickly over to Jessie's room and flung the door open. "Jessie!"
Jessie sat up quickly. "What the hell Hunter?"
I stood awkwardly in the doorway and scratched my neck. "I thought I heard you crying or screaming or something...." I trailed off at the death glare I was receiving.
"Do I look like the soft type to cry?" Jessie snapped. "Do you think I'm afraid of the dark or something?"
I held up my hands in defense. "What no!"
Jessie threw a pillow at me and it hit me square in the chest. "Get out of my room kid."
Obviously she didn't like being woken up.
I held up my hands in surrender. "You got it." I closed the door before she threw something harder than a pillow at me. Then I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. There was one thing I made sure to note before I left the room. In the dim light I could easily make out Jessie's wet and glistening eyes. She had been crying. So why had she lied to me?
I sighed and rubbed my forehead before I returned to my own room. Girl were confusing.


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