You give a whole new meaning to tall dark and mysterious

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Jessie's apartment was small. There were two closed doors and I was guessing that was a bathroom and a bedroom behind each door. There was also a kitchen with a table in the middle of the floor. I sat at it as I watched Jessie with narrowed eyes as she ran around her kitchen and dashed back and forth from her bathroom grabbing medical supplies. "You're an idiot you know." She told me.
I bristled but I didn't say anything. It didn't matter what she said. I scanned her apartment, trying to get a sense for my surroundings. Everything was in its place. A pot and a pan hung from hooks above the stove. There was a mini fridge next to the stove. Most of the surfaces were bare besides a cutting board with some carrots on it.
"What kind of person doesn't carry a medical kit with them?" Jessie threw up her arms. "Idiot." She muttered.
I looked around her apartment. "Where are your parents?"
She froze for a second before continuing gathering the supplies. "Not around." She told me curtly. She turned around beaming. "Lift up your shirt." She commanded.
"I can do it myself." I told her calmly.
She shrugged before spilling the supplies on the table and taking a seat across from me. "Be my guest."
I grabbed the alcohol and lifted up my shirt slightly and poured it on the wound. I gritted my teeth and hissed slightly. Jessie got up from the table and grabbed some beers out of the mini fridge. She handed me one before she sat back down. "So what's your name?" She asked me.
I grabbed the cotton balls and dabbed gently at my wound. "Hunter." I told her.
"So Hunter." She tested out my name. "What's your plan?"
I grabbed the gauze before answering. "That's none of your concern." The wound was clean now and I let my shirt fall back in place before I leaned back and opened my beer.
Jessie raised an eyebrow. "You give a whole new meaning to tall dark and mysterious."
I sipped my beer. "Aren't you under age?" I asked her.
Jessie shrugged. "I'm eighteen. I know people. It's not that hard to get beer if you know where to look." She peered closer to me. "You're strange. Who are you?"
I rubbed my forehead. "I really wish you would stop asking questions." I muttered.
Jessie held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, no asking Mr. mysterious about his life even though he's sitting in my apartment."
I set the beer down roughly on the table. "Why did you lead me here?" I asked.
"Why did you follow?" She countered.
I glanced at her coldly. The truth was, I didn't know why I followed her.
She sighed and got up from the table and made her way to the fridge. "Look, I'm just trying to help. It's my job to help people."
I allowed some boyish curiosity in. "What's your job?" I asked before I could help myself.
Jessie straightened herself until she stood at full height. "Police officer trainee." She told me proudly.
I was immediately on my feet. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I growled at her before grabbing my beer and my backpack and moving towards the door. "I bet you told them I was here and you were just distracting me, is that it?"
"What? No!" Jessie grabbed my shoulder but I shook her off quickly. I spun around almost growling at her again.
"What? The police trainee isn't going to call in her back up? I did just kill those men back there. Under your eyes, I'm a murderer."
Jessie crossed her arms. "I see no reason to ask my buddies to detain you." She told me. "Unless you want to give me some reasons. It can be arranged."
I scowled at her. "You're annoying." I observed. "I have half a mind to-" I froze as a heard footsteps running up the stairs. "You did call them here." I hissed.
Jessie looked genuinely confused. "No I didn't." She told me quietly. "Quick, hide in my bedroom."
I narrowed my eyes at her, but I really saw no other option. I grabbed her arm and yanked her closer to me. "If this is a trap." I hissed. "I will make your life a living hell. You will regret the day you got in my way."
Her green eyes flashed. "Try not to make me an enemy kid." She hissed back at me. "You're not really in the position to make threats."
I growled before I pushed past her and slipped into her bedroom. I looked around the small bedroom quickly, hesitant to corner myself. After a moment I opted to stand behind the door. If anyone came in they were in for more than a knuckle sandwich.

Okay guys, I'm sorry it's so short. School is back and I'm busy. Give me some feedback on this though, okay?? Please?? And please don't forget to vote!!!

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