Do You Know Who I Am

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"I'm not coming out."
"Shortcake," I sighed. "If you want to come with me, you might want to actually come out at one point."
"I look ridiculous." She whined.
We were in a hotel for the night, after we had managed to clean ourselves up. We had decided if we were actually going to Razen, then disguises for the airport security was probably a good idea. We'd just stopped at a connivence store and dug into a few of my emergency supplies before we checked into our hotel.
"Shorty, cmon." I grunted. "You can't look that bad."
There was a pause and finally the door nob turned and Jessie stepped out.
Her dark hair had been changed to blond and her vibrant green eyes were baby blue. Her normal skinny jeans and jacket were replaced with a baby blue sundress and red heels. She was wearing makeup for once and her smoky eyes and red lips were perfect. She was flawless.
"Well, crap." I heard myself say as I openly stared at her.
Jessie stopped a heeled foot in frustration. "I told you, I look ridiculous."
"What? No." I blinked. "You look great. I mean, you'd probably look even better with your normal hair and eyes, but you look great." I added hastily.
Jessie pouted. "Are you sure this is a good disguise? We're going on a plane. It's going to seem strange that we're so dressed up." She gestured to my dark jeans and dress shirt.
I shrugged. My hair was also blond and my eyes were blue. I needed a disguise too. "We're traveling first class. People don't always travel in sweats on first class because they might have important meetings the second they get off the plane." I grabbed our bags. "Let's go. We have a flight to catch."
"Passports." The lady in the booth instructed me.
I felt myself go clammy and I took a deep breath as I set my papers down on the desk. "That should do." I told her calmly.
The lady raised her eyebrows and took the papers, scanning them carefully. Then she looked up at me, unimpressed. "Do I need to call security?" She asked me.
I raised my own eyebrows. "Do you know who I am?" I asked her.
The lady blinked. "Do you know who I am?" She echoed.
I smirked and beckoned her to come closer so I could whisper. Unimpressed, she leaned conceded. "It doesn't matter who the hell you are." I whispered to her quickly. "What matters is I'm a royal and that papers proves it, along with the million other signatures on it. So your job, is to make sure we don't miss our flight, because you don't want to see a royal angry my dear. We are quite obnoxious."
The lady stared at me for a good minute before her gaze switched to Jessie, who was standing at my side, watching the exchange with interest. "And what about her?" She asked me.
I put my arm around Jessie. "This is my fiancé." I told her. "So almost a royal. Now stamp the damn paper. I'm getting impatient. Please don't make me call my father. He's kind of in the middle of running a country right now."
The lady shrugged and consented, bringing her stamp down on the paper and handing it back to me. "Enjoy your flight." She told me with a smile plastered on her face.
Sometimes being a prince rocked.
***10 hours later***
Jessie's nails dug into my hand. Her face was pale and damp and she was alternating between biting her lip and whispering profanities to herself. Her hands were clammy. I squeezed her hand and she jumped.
"Um, we've landed." I told her gently.
Jessie shook her head. "There was a bump." She told me frantically, stubbornly keeping her eyes closed.
I chuckled. "That would be the wheels hitting the ground."
Jessie stopped shaking and opened her eyes very slowly. "Are you sure?" She asked me uncertainly.
I nodded and her face broke out into a grin. "Allelujiah! Praise be!" She shouted and unbuckled quickly. "I can get off of this hell ridden-"
A flight attendant rushed over to us. "Excuse me miss, please keep your seatbelt on." She asked her hurriedly. "Until we have parked the plane."
Jessie frowned and looked the flight attendant up and down. "Why aren't you in your seatbelt?" She asked her, annoyed.
The flight attendant frowned. "Because I needed to talk to you." She told her.
Jessie huffed and sat down, fixing her seatbelt. "Well, I don't want to talk to you. You can leave now."
The flight attendant stared at her disapprovingly and walked away to her designated seat and buckled herself into it. I burst out laughing when she was out of earshot. "Gosh Shorty, you're on a short fuse today." I laughed.
Jessie pouted and crossed her arms. "I'm restless." She growled. "I've been in this rickety ride to hell for ten hours."
I laughed again. "We're almost done." I assured her. "Then you can see where I grew up and stuff." I was excited. My heart was beating fast and I was having a hard time breathing.
The flight attendants walked between the aisles and excused from our seats. I jumped up and grabbed our bags from over head. We had used just carry-ons so we wouldn't have to claim our luggage. The warm air hit us when we walked outside and I breathed it heavily.
It was nice to be home.
Jessie squeezed my hand. "Now what?" She asked me.
I waved a taxi over and loaded our luggage. "We get close to the castle." I told her in a low voice.
The taxi ride was only a half hour. The taxi driver let us out a few miles away from the castle. I could see it in the distance as we stood on the side of the road with our luggage.
"So, Hunter?" Jessie asked me uncertainly. "We look like hobos. And it's going to rain."
I looked up at the sky, seeing dark gray clouds accumulating over us. "Let's find some people to stay with." I told her, beginning to walk to the closest house, pulling our luggage behind us. "It looks like we only have a few minutes before it pours."
"We're just going randomly walk up to a house and ask for shelter?" Jessie asked me, catching up fast. "Is that a little dangerous?"
I snorted. "It's not like we've never done that before."
Jessie nodded her head. "That's true."
We walked for one minute, before it started pouring.
"You know." Jessie pushed her blond hair out of her face. "We didn't use permanent dye. This rain is going to mess with our hair."
Even as she spoke some of her dark brown hair was seeping through the dye.
I shrugged and ran my hand through my hair. "So what if they recognize us? It won't make much of a difference." I narrowed my eyes. "There's probably some price for my head or something, but I doubt anyone is going to act on it. Everyone knows I'm their best chance."
"And what's your plan after this?" Jessie asked me uncertainly. "Walk straight into the castle? Knock on the door? Kindly ask for the throne? Because that's not going to work. And that's kinda what your mood is hinting what your plan is."
I shrugged. "I honestly have no idea. I told Duke I would be at the castle doors in the morning, so I don't know really."
Jessie sighed. "We are going to die." She might have said it jokingly, but I noticed she way she was tense and wouldn't smile. She was scared. She didn't think we could do it.
And frankly, neither did I.

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