Chapter 18- Test of a gona (warrior)

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"Yumi na teik

Won sonraun au?

Medo ste thonken

Medo drein au"

"Oso kik raun ogeda,

Soulou ai laik yu gona

Ai na get raun, you

Yumi na teik won

Sonraun au?

Ai keryon gyon op

Ai keryon g' breik au

Pas skaikrasha Klin tristraka

En houd don gon

Hosh trashsaka

Yumi na teik

Won sonraun au?

Houd na fleim daun

Bed' ge jok au

Ai nou fir raun

Ai mana jomp in

Ai don sin y'in

Yumi na teik

Won sonraun au?

Jus drein jus daun

Ai medo drein au," Once the song stopped, a deep chuckle echoed.

"Leeesskaaa, nod we bak op," (Leeexxaaaa, wake upppp,) Lexa opened her eyes, she felt no panic and wasn't alarmed in the slightest. She already knew who the voice belonged to, once she lifted her head her eyes were met with sheidheda's eye. Lexa sighed and leaned back against the chair she was in.

"Ai sowas ragen ain reshwee nat Malachi. Chit bis emo meija daunde yu haden de breik in ai hosh daun," (I was having a peaceful night Malachi. What is so important that you had to interrupt my sleep,) Sheidheda leaned forward, then stabbed a knife into the table. Lexa looked at Sheidheda not fazed at the attempt of intimidation.

"Jos gaffou de don ain op-spuna chich op auda skai gada. Em fis op yu kwelen, em gon bak op bilaik Costia ailon nestam pas yu bag jomp in auda womana yu don hodon klin wamplei," (Just wanted to have a little chat about the sky girl. She makes you weak, she'll end up like Costia and soon after you'll be joining the women you've loved, in death,) Sheidheda said with a cold voice. Lexa was unfazed and didn't move, she just kept her eyes on sheidheda.

"Malachi. Yu soriyas," (Malachi. You're pathetic,) Sheidheda leaned back in his chair, while he had a death grip on the arm of the chair. With one swift motion, Lexa stood to her full height. "Your words mean nothing to me. You can tell me how Clarke is in danger because she's with me all you want, I know what the outcome is when someone is with me. Everything you just told me I already know," Lexa sighed and rubbed her eyes and looked back up. "Since I'm here I'll go visit one of the better Heda's so why don't you go back to your wallowing ," Lexa didn't give SheidHeda a chance to speak, She walked through the double doors next to her and found herself in a living room.


"No. Sorry Calliope if you're busy I'll come back later," Once Lexa finished, Calliope walked into the living room where Lexa stood and stared at pictures of Calliope and her family.

Calliope shook her head as she took a seat on her couch. "Lexa! I'm not busy come sit," Lexa looked up and walked over and took a seat.

"How's everything going?"

"Everything is stable, the clans have had minor issues that were snuffed out fast and plans for taking down the mountain are finished now all we have to do is act."

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