Chapter 1- Talking

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6 years before the hundred landed

"GET UP YOU DO NOT STOP FIGHTING"Anya yells with a stern voice she hits Lexa one more time with the sparing staff sending Lexa on her stomach again

Anya walks around her she goes to kick lexa in the stomach but before her foot could collide with Lexa's stomach she grabs her foot twisting her whole body around making Anya land on her back lexa pounces on her putting her knee on Anya's Throat and pointing a knife at her eye

"I'll never stop fighting"Anya taps lexas leg with a smile on her face

Lexa gets off of Anya and walks off to the bench holding her water skin and her shirt taking a seat she starts drinking her water

"You think the Alliance will last long"Anya looked worried

"You think it won't last long do you not think I can not keep it together"lexa puts her shirt on after this

"Lexa I don't think's just we keep fighting war after war I'm 24 years old and I'm used to seeing clans fight and murder each other and now that we have the Alliance there's hope but the mountain is still here"

"Yes I know Anya"lexa sighs "the mountain isn't the only thing I have to worry about right now nia and the ambassador's are getting on my last nerve the only thing Im trying to do is to make sure that we have some kinda peace we need everyone if we want to once and for all defeat the mountain but they can't stop arguing"Lexa face shows she's serious and stressed

"I know youngon but it's better than them going to war with each other again and maybe when the mountain is taken care of we could finally have a little time to breathe "

with a moment of silence Anya was about to speak when sparks start fly from nowhere in the middle of the training area they were far enough that the sparks aren't touching them then an explosion happened covering their faces and turning from it

Lexa looks back and see's a girl on the ground on her back she seams to around 16 ,17? Lexa grabs her dagger having it ready she approaches her same as Anya

"Hei youngon!" (Hello child) Anya says trying to make sure she hears her

The girl opens her eyes she looks panicked and she sits up and starts to back away from us her back hitting the tree "who the hell are you!? Where am I!?"she start looking around

"Ai laik Leska Kom trikru"and then Anya did the same"ai Laik Anya Kom trikru"

the girl stopped and looked at me and Anya "where am I"

"Tondc"lexa says looking at the girl suspiciously

She gets up and stares at lexa still leaning against the tree" no fuckin way I'm dreaming this can't be real"she starts pacing backback and forth "I finally lost my mind I'm hallucinating"she stops and stares at lexa and Anya "ok so let's just say I'm not crazy can you please speak in English oh wait I mean gonasleng I don't know that much trigedasleng"

"Ok who are and what did you just do to cause an explosion" lexa asks her with a stern face and puts her dagger away

"Um right my name tatianna you can call me Tati and I didn't do anything I have no idea how the hell that happened or why"

"What clan are you from child"Anya says bluntly

"I'm not from any of the 13 clans or wait I mean 12 I'm not from here and I'm not from the wastelands either I'm from another earth ....I think"Tati says biting her bottom lip nervously Anya stares at her seeming annoyed " right I'm not from here I don't know trigedasleng I don't know how to fight I'm not threat to you but I have to get back home but seeing as for now I don't know how I'm stuck here could you please help me"

"Why would we help you, you could be one of nia's spy's"Anya walks closer to Tati getting in her face

"Umm I'll pull my own weight I'll do a job if I have to"it's silent for a moment

"She can stay you'll start to learn how to fight how to hunt and Anya will find a job within tondc and when you know how to hunt you'll no longer need the job in tondc"lexa starts to walk towards her Anya moving to the side so Tati could look directly at lexa "but if in any way your working with nia trying to get information on me or the other clans you will be put in the wastelands for you to rot and die"

"Yes I agree 100 percent understand"

"come on let's get a place for you to stay for now"Lexa says and starts to walk back inside tondc Anya and Tati following

Umm what?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें