Chapter 14- Break down

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There is a part where a character attempts suicide in this chapter, So please if you cannot read that type of writing then please skip the beggining of the chapter or skip the whole chapter.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide please contact the national suicide prevention hot line their number is 1-800-273-8255

****Smut warning***
There's also some smut in this chapter if you don't like smut then skip this chapter

You're not alone and stay safe my beautiful readers.


Raven's pov-

I had woken up in Tati's backyard, it was dark already "Damn I shouldn't have slept here," I rubbed my neck, then I heard a crash come from inside the house. I ran inside and I saw Ontari on the floor trying to pick up pieces of glass. From here, I could tell that she was drunk. "Ontari be careful, you might cut yourself," I went to go help her but I stopped immediately when I saw the knife in her hand. "Ontari I don't think you should be holding a knife right now. Just hand it to me, before you hurt yourself," Ontari looked at me and smiled, then she got up on her knees and sat on her feet.

"Why do you care? I'm no one to you, the people who cared about me are dead," tears started to roll down Ontari's face. "The woman I love is dead. My beautiful daughter is dead," Ontari wiped away her tears, then looked at me again.

"You don't know that. They might be alive, so please Ontari just hand me the Knife," I stepped forward one foot but I stopped when Ontari put the knife to her throat "Ontari no. I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but when Tati and Rosa come back how do you think they're going to react when they find out you killed yourself."

"If they're alive, they will be better off without me here, they were out there because of me."

"This isn't your fault,"Ontari closed her eyes as she pushed harder against her neck "ONTARI PLEASE DON'T DO THIS," I tackled her before she could move the knife, we struggled for a second, then Ontari cut my arm, I fell back holding my arm.

"Don't try to stop me again," Ontari was about to put the knife against her throat again when the front door swung open. Anya and Lexa ran in tackling Ontari taking the knife away from her, Lexa held her in a headlock while Anya came to check on me.

"What is happening?" Anya grabbed a rag from the counter and wrapped it around my arm.

"She's drunk and she wanted to kill herself," Anya looked at me and then Ontari.

"What are you doing, Tati and Rosa might be alive. You're just going to abandon them," Lexa said as she held Ontari down.

"I know the mountain killed them. Nia was right I get the people I love killed, and I'm saving my sister from being the next person to die. Please I just want to be with my family again."

"They aren't dead Ontari. You know your wife, you know she's too stubborn to die and she would never let your daughter die. So don't kill yourself, cause they'll need you when they get back do you hear. Your sister, your family needs you alive." Lexa held Ontari as she cried harder, she stopped fighting Lexa and just broke down in Lexa's arms."And Nia is wrong, she's just a hate filled bitch who has no one, her own son hates her. Don't ever listen to her, you're better than her in so many ways," Lexa said trying to reassure Ontari.

(3rd person now)

A few hours passed, Ontari was fast asleep in her bed, Raven was asleep at Anya's. It was just Anya and Lexa in Tati's house making sure Ontari doesn't hurt herself again.

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