Chapter 7- Let's get to work

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"Monty and jasper will be with the farmers i have two more on my list"lexa says as she write down Them down for farmer

"My last ones were Octavia Blake and Bellamy Blake I had put Octavia as a guard and for Bellamy I have him in teaching the yougons to read"nyssa says as she looks at the paper

"I'm done too I had put Wells with Bellamy on teaching except he'll show them to write for Clarke and Harper I put them with nyko clarke patched me up pretty good even though she didn't have much to work with and Harper seems like a fast learner and it'll be good for trikru to have more than one healer"Tati says as she leans back in the chair"who do you have left on your list lexa"

"I have Finn and Charlotte for them I'll just put them in the kitchen"

"Your going to let them cook?"nyssa says as her eyebrows raise

"No they'll be cleaning crew"lexa write down there names and they're done

"Ok here's my list Tati I'll see you tomorrow reshop heda"

"Reshop nyssa"nyssa leaves closing the door

"Finally I can go to bed and heda make sure you and clarke don't keep me out of my room tonight I love Rosa with everything I have but she kicks in her sleep"lexa smiles while Tati gathers all the papers on the table they get up as they're walking towards the door Tati pats lexa on the shoulder

"I was just messing with you if you feel like you and clarke want to be loud tonight I won't care I'll be in my living room sleeping"lexa opens the door for her

"We'll see reshop Tati"lexa leans against the door

"Reshop heda" lexa closed her door and a minute later there's a knock

"Ah lexa may I come in"Clarke says form the other side of the door when lexa opens the door there a big smile on Clarke's face

"Come in Clarke"Clarke walks in as lexa closes the door clarke pins her against the door giving her hard kiss

"So if you don't mind could you tell me what job you assigned me"

"Sit please"lexa walks towards her couch when lexa sits instead of sitting next lexa clarke sits in her lap lexa gives her a smile and wraps her arm around her waist

"I wasn't the one who assigned you but I do agree it fits you tati had put you with nyko our healer. she had said even with your limited resources you managed to fix her up"

"I did the best I could"

"Yes with nyko he could possibly further your skill"

"Hopefully if we could contact the ark our healers could teach nyko a few things"

—On the ark—

"Abby we have to stop the council votes in 30 minutes"

"Then we have 30 minutes anything from engineering"

"Nothing Good according to Sinclair even if we sent a signal down, the wristbands weren't designed to receive so the kids wouldn't even hear it"

"There's gotta be something we missed something that we haven't thought of"then there was a noise Abby turns around to head toward the air duct

"Great what's falling apart now"Abby types in the code just in time to catch raven

"Hey hey"Abby grabs her leg raven walks out she puts up her arm then puts them down again"apparently you have a thing for air ducts"

"I'll call security"


"What are you talking about"

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