Chapter 3- Be careful

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Tati's POV-

Well this is great this isn't the way I planned on meeting the 100 I wanted to make sure they get a nice greeting so they don't do something stupid like starting a war between them and the 12 clans again but it all kind went differently. when I saw the drop ship coming down I made sure to get on our fastest horse I was going to take off when Rosa insisted on coming as much as I didn't want to bring her she's stubborn as hell just like her mom

I bring her along we were almost there when the panthers had attack our horse sending me and Rosa flying I land my back with her on my chest two of the panthers were killing the horse while the other two were stalking towards us

"Rosa run to tondc now I'll hold them off" she takes off running

The one on the left pounces on me I put my sword through its chest I push him off the other comes after me I put my sword it's mouth it's teeth clanking against my blade

"Get the fuck off me puta"well that seemed to anger the panther and it clawed my side deep

"AAAAHHHH!! You fucker"I kick it off me and I plunge my sword into its neck the other two panther seem to have lost interest in the dead horse


When the one on the right jumped high enough for me to give a deep cut to its stomach I turn and do the same thing to the other one they both lay next to the other dead panthers

"ROSA!! AI HODNESS!! ROSA"I know my daughter is fast but not that fast to get to tondc already

Then I see her at the drop ship she's with Clarke and Octavia ah wait Octavia didn't get to do the we're back bitches I wanted to see that in person when I got to my daughter the only thing I got to do was hug her and then I pass out

Now I'm here standing in front of the 100 I had just dropped the biggest news bomb ever this is gonna end so well

"What the hell do you mean there's acid fog and people in that mountain that will kill us" I think it was Harper that said that I can't see her but it sounded like her

"Look it is not safe for you to be here this is one of the most dangerous areas since we're so close to the mountain now please follow me to tondc there we will figure out where you can stay" Bellamy comes out the crowd

"What makes you think we want to leave with you last I check this spot right here seems good and plus the drop ship can protect us if we need it we can handle some assholes that hide in a mountain"the 100 cheer

Great of course Bellamy is gonna be a pain in my ass

"Ok if you think that's fine get your self killed but think about Octavia think about if she came with me how she can proper food in her stomach a place warm and truly safe"I look at everyone"do any of you know how to hunt and let's say when you do catch something do you know how to skin it or do you know if the meat is tainted or bad come on raise your hand if you do"I raise mine and Rosa raises her hand but no one else does

"that's what I thought I'm just trying to help you that's all I'll personally help you all learn what you need to learn and Bellamy since you just got here there is so much you need to to learn to live here and I willing to help"everyone is silent for a moment I decided to speak again

"Well leave as soon as everyone is ready when we get there I'll get you food and some drinks and it won't be water it'll be stronger than that does that sound good"

"YEAH!! WOO!!" The 100 start to get hyped

"Ok get whatever you need we'll leave in a few"they all scattered

"Bellamy I need to talk to you"I walk into the drop ship Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia and Rosa follow me

"What do you want" wow this dude is really giving me attitude right now

"Give me the gun"I say quickly and bluntly

"Hell no I'm not giving you shit" he crosses his arms over his chest

"Ok I guess I have do it the hard way then"I kick him in the junk while he's doubled over I grab the gun

"Look I know that shit was painful and I'm sorry but here's the thing if my people see you with this they will think your just like the murders in the mountain but seeing that your hard headed I had to do that"

"What the hell bell where did you get a gun and how the hell did you know he had one"Octavia says as she walks over to Bellamy

"I saw it. It's not that hard to miss a gun in the back of someone's shirt"wow smooth Tati your such a great liar. I really need to get better at lying

"If you don't do that again I'll be fine with you just please never ever do that again" he looks at me

"I won't "I put out my hand for him to grab he takes it and heads out

"Do you think your people will like us"Clarke seems a little concerned

"I don't know sometimes my people don't even like each other but when we get to tondc just eat have a few drinks and then go to the place we have for you to sleep in"i start to walk out of the drop ship

"Alright let's get moving we're losing daylight trust me you should not be in the woods at night"

We all start walking to tondc this didn't go the way I wanted it to go. But at least jasper doesn't have a spear in his chest and Bellamy isn't power hungry right now so I say that's good but I really do hope they get to have a better life than they did in the show maybe bringing them peacefully to tondc will change their thoughts about each other

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