Chapter 6- Jobs

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(Every convo is in trigedasleng)

Lexa gets done training with Rosa Tati drops her off at Nyssa house

"Can't wait to here quint complain about everything today"Tati says sarcastically rubbing her temple

"I think quint does that just to piss you off"Tati opens the door for lexa

They head downs stairs to be met with Indra, Anya, Gustus and quint there already they all stand and Bow to lexa

"You may take your seats"they all sit down the first to speak is quint

"Since you've been gone the mountain has taken two people"

"Other than the mountain what else does tondc need" Tati says not looking at quint she's looking at her book with drawings of the mountain

"You can't just pretend that nothing is happening with the mountain every time we have these talks you act like the mountain has done nothing"quint starts speaking with aggression in his voice he stands giving Tati a death glare

Tati looks away from the sketch book "what do you want me to do quint huh you don't think I don't care about the people who are being taken I know they have families I'm the one who has to look at them in the eye and tell them that the mountain has taken them but let's not get into that... quint I just need to know if tondc needs anything so I can go to polis and do the trades and see what we could offer for the trades I just need you to tell me what I need to do first. let me put it this way get the small things out of the way first and then you deal with the big problem"Tati leans back and rubs her temple

"Quint tati's right we need supplies we don't need anything urgently but we need some metals for the black smith a few warriors swords have shattered you could get the metals she needs if you go and talk to her she'll tell you exactly what she needs and for the trade we could trade some of the panthers pelts we have and some cleaned and dried meat will cover it"Indra says sternly and calm looking at quint then Tati

"Its settled you'll come back with me to polis for a day then you will come back to give the black smith what she needs and you will also start training the sky people and showing them what jobs they'll be doing now quint we will talk about how we could deal with the mountain" lexa flips open a small brown book then takes out a map she stands up and opens it across the table

3 hours later

After hours of basically arguing of what could and couldn't work lexa had called it a day and had dismissed everyone lexa makes Tati stay to talk to her

"I been thinking we should stay here in tondc things are starting to get strained with the mountain and you seem to connect better with the sky people I feel that they think I'll kill if they look at me wrong" lexa says as she crosses her arms

"That might be because of Gustus he's been eyeing them like a panther waiting to pounce on them every time they come near you and also since you never smile doesn't help either it scares them"

"It's good they fear me but I don't want them to be to scared of me it will cause them to make dumb decisions that could cause lives to be lost"

"I know lexa I'll do the same thing you did with me but they won't be as cooperative as me I know I wasn't easy to deal with but I was willing to learn but the 100 they won't take orders well they had just come from people who controlled everything they did it'll take some time"

"Do what you have to you know war is around the corner and you know that anything could happen I could die"

"I know lexa I know if you die nothing will hold the Coalition together I'll teach them how to survive"Lexa nods she leaves Tati following behind

Tati heads to gather all of the 100
To talk about what they'll be doing to help tondc

(Everything is in English now)

Once Tati has everyone together She stand in front of them "ok everyone could you stay quiet while I speak I need you all to hear this"they stop talking and look at her

"You staying here doesn't come with out a cost"they all start talking again

"What do you mean it doesn't come with out a cost"Everyone goes silent again

"I mean you'll need to work the same as me and everyone else in tondc we work to help each other. I will be assigning you jobs and when you are not at work I and few others will be training you now you will need to listen to everything we say when you are in training we will show you everything that you need to know that's the reason you need to pay attention cause if you mess up once it could be life or death when your out in the woods do you hear me this isn't game ok I'm trying to make you are all safe and know what to do if your ever out there on your own"Tati looks over the crowd for a second"do you agree with me"

"YES!!"The 100 says this all at once

"Ok now get into two lines me and Nyssa will be asking what you're best at I know this will take some time but please be patient"

The 100 form two lines Tati and nyssa start writing down names their skills they do this till they get everyone

"As Tati said we will tell you what your job is but we will do so tomorrow we will sort through everything for you but for now go to the dining hall and have some dinner"

"Oh and don't go to sleep late you'll get up early real early tomorrow and you'll need all the rest you can get for training at the end of the day"

With that the 100 take off to the dining hall Tati and nyssa head to lexas house when they get there nyssa knocks on the door

"Heda may we enter"They wait there for a few seconds

"Enter" as they walk in clarke and lexa are siting at the kitchen table

"I'll go get some food I'll be back do you want me to bring you some when I get back"Clarke says as she gets up from the chair

"No I'll be fine"Clarke leaves and closes the door behind her

"We have the lists now here's the painful part of who goes where"nyssa and Tati sit in front of lexa sliding lexa a few papers

"Let's get to work"lexa says grabbing a charcoal and a paper

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