Chapter 8- What did you do

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Octavia's pov-

'' O she's lying I haven't done anything'' It only took me two seconds for me to grab bell by the collar of his shirt and drag him to tati's house.

'O where the hell are we going, listen don't believe anything that bitch has to say.'' I get to Tati's door and I pound on it. five seconds passed and I was about to pound on it again but Tati opened it. I storm through the door I throw bell to the ground

''Bell what the hell is your problem?''I yell at Bell while Tati closes her door

''Well it's a good thing that Rosa is at Anya's tonight, I guess I will get little sleep tonight'' I watch her go to sit on her couch looking at us waiting.

''WHAT DO MEAN!!!??,I haven't done shit'' Bell gets up staring at me

''What I mean, you've been acting like a dick like i said earlier, and why the hell are you telling the 100 to take off their wristbands.''I exhale through my nose trying to stay calm, Bell's really starting to piss me off.

''Cause I don't want the damn ark to come down here for what they did to us. For what they did to mom, they deserve to be stuck up there''

''Ok quick question?You guys could have done this anywhere else why did you come to my house.''I look over to tati

''you shut up for now'' tati threw her hands up ''I get it Bell I hate them for making me stay under the floor my whole life I hate them for floating mom; but there are kids who are stuck in that depressing metal box who just like us they want to be free. And when the ark gets here we won't have to live with them no more isn't that right tati?''i look over to her waiting for her to answer

''Yes actually Heda wanted to know who would like to come to polis with us, there are too many of you to live in Tondc. There's too many mouths to feed right now and over hunting right now wouldn't be good for Tondc during the winter, but anyways you have a place with us but Bellamy if you are running from the ark you have to face what you did, speaking of what did you do'' Bellamy looked down at the floor and back up at me

''Octavia I can't face what I did..... I shot the chancellor''  nononono this can't be happening i put my hands on my head

''Bellamy you fuck up''I rub my eye then I put my hands on my hip ''Bell you didnt just steal rations or medical suplies, YOU SHOT THE FUCKING CHANCELLOR''


''DAMIT Bell''I walk over to the couch and sit down ''it's ok we'll figure this out big brother''

''Both of you come over tomorrow I'll make sure someone covers you at work ok now please I need to sleep'' I look at her and nod Bell does the same, we headed back to the house without talking i head to bed too tired from today


--3rd person--

The Blake siblings, Monty and Jasper are all at Tati's house waiting for Lexa and Clarke. the front door of the house opens and Lexa comes in with a bag

''So what you got us all here for Tati''monty says from the kitchen table

''Well Octavia and Clarke are going to be your test subjects for your experiment as for Bellamy and Lexa we need to talk about a few things, oh and i have something for you Monty'' Tati walks over to Lexa she hands the bag over to Tati ''I didn't know what you needed but I found some tools that might help'' Tati puts the bag on the table and opens it

''I'll see about the pliers but the yeah the smaller tools will be helpful in this thanks'' Monty starts taking everything he needs out of the bag ''Clarke you're up first  I'll try the best I can to get it on my first try''Octavia and Clarke walk over to the table Clarke sits next to monty turning the chair to face him and octavia sitting across from them

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