Chapter 19-Your choice

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With Lexa gone, Titus was left in charge of Polis. That meant the Flame keeper had to wake up the nightbloods earlier for training since the rest of Titus's day would be filled with his duty's and Lexa's piled on top. Today the Flame keeper wanted to give the nightbloods a little more time to themselves so he decided to wake them up earlier than usual.

Titus pushed the double doors of the nightbloods' shared room open. "Natblida. Stomba op," (Nightbloods. Wake up,) Titus's booming voice made all the nightbloods shoot up from their beds and stand at attention. With all the nightbloods awake Titus clapped his hands to get the drowsy kids to wake a little more and have their eyes on him. "Bak nau. Bei a de granplei grauns en tweni-tes,"(Get ready. Be at the training grounds in twenty-minutes,) Titus left the nightbloods and prepared the training grounds with staffs and wooden swords. Soon after the night bloods stood at attention in front of Titus.

"Aden sis op sord en pik te sar ater. Ostof o yu pik op abo saf en dula op baic uevers," (Aden, grab a sword and pick three sparring partners. The rest of you pickup a bo staff and do basic maneuvers,) Titus loomed over the nightbloods, correcting them when they got something wrong. Titus's attention was drawn to a gona running up the path, Titus met the gona half way.

"Flaimkepa ai don roe hir kom de skaikrus cap bilaik snap bilaik ai ne de Heda hkom oso been revly laksen ai net te en taim em ste le taim ai lesad em wkom oso en a no kae," (Flame keeper. I've rode here from the Sky peoples camp as fast as I could, the Commander has been severely hurt. I don't know if she is alive, when I left she wasn't awake,) Titus was about to say something until he realized that it was silent. The flame keeper turned to see that all the night blood's eyes were on him and the gona.

"Ai ste gon a ple o as. Taim ai kom op ac kom de hedas medo den de sadgeda no stot au de sintaim pas em fleim au en ai bak op gon de owe yu don de neson ple as o," (I'll be gone for a couple of days. If I come back with the Commander's body then the conclave will start the day after she's burned. Now get back to the tower you have the next couple of days off,)Afte Titus was done talking, the nightbloods gave each other sad looks. Titus sighed. "GYON AU!" (GO!,) Once Titus yelled the Nightbloods left with their shoulders slumped.

"Flaimekepa, Ai ogud gon hon dan yu gon de skaikru's cap bilaik on bilaik yu ste odon kom yu sines hir." (Flame keeper, I'm ready to take you to the sky peoples camp as soon as you are done with your business here.)

"Oso bants en a ur ge gona en gapa ogud," (We leave in an hour. Get warriors and horses prepared,) The gona gave a bow before he left to do what he was told. Titus then made his way to the tower.


Clarke's pov-

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes. Now I'm in this weird state where I'm half awake and half asleep, since I was in this state I hardly realized that a hand was softly massaging my head, I would've opened my eyes sooner to see who it was but it just felt calming.

"I think it's time for you to wake up Clarke," The sound of Lexa's voice made me get up quickly. Lexa had a smile on her face the whole time I rubbed my eyes, in an attempt to wake myself up fully.

"You're ok," I said with a big goofy smile on my face, But reality set in quickly when I realized that Lexa wasn't in her bed resting. "You should be resting right now Lexa. Wait here while I go get my mother so she can check on your stab wound," I got up, but stopped when I felt Lexa gently pull me back onto the cot. Lexa then cupped my face, with a small smile she leaned in and kissed me.

"I'm okay, ai skaiprisa. I'm in no pain and all I want right now is for you to stay with me," Lexa said as stood up and pulled me to a room I hadn't seen before and laid me on the bed. "Your body has been worked past it's limits, you should get some rest ai prisa."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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