Chapter 11- Screw you

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1 day since Contacting the Ark

"Come on Anya, you can't tell me you don't find me funny," Raven was walking with Anya to the dining hall to get some lunch and Raven had been telling Anya corny jokes the whole way there. Anya didn't want Raven to know that she actually thought they were kinda funny, so she just kept an annoyed face.

"No Raven, I do not think you're funny."

"Oh come on, you're lying to yourself," Raven started walking backwards to look at Anya

"Keep telling yourself that, Raven."

"Please, I know you find me funn-" Raven stopped talking and moving, her face no longer held a smile. This caused Anya to quickly turn around to see what she was staring at. They were looking at Finn. He was kissing a girl against a wall, Anya quickly realised what was happening and she instantly knew what to do. She walked up to them with her arms behind her back, they didn't realise she was there until she loudly clapped her hands together. It made both of them jump.

"If you want to fail at pleasuring your partner do it somewhere private Collins." Anya walked towards them causing them to back up into the wall. "Also if you don't get back to work I will make you both do double in training," Finn and the girl were frozen in fear looking at Anya "DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!" Anya shouted at them.

"Yes ma'am," they said at the same time.

"GO THEN!!" Finn turned to walk back to the dinning hall then he stopped right in his tracks, he made direct eye contact with Raven.

"Raven it didn't mean anything, I swear," Finn was in front of Raven, he grabbed her hand " I'm so sorry."

Finn was going to continue talking, but Raven didn't let him. She punched him in the nose as hard as she could, Finn fell to the floor gripping his nose, and Raven was gripping her hand. Anya had grabbed her hand carefully.

"Next time you want to punch someone, put your thumb on top of your pointer finger. Come on, I'll take you to Nyko."

"What about me?" Finn got up and his face was covered in blood. Anya turned around and grabbed the back of his neck then she pinched his nose hard. She then let go as he started to scream "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!"

"Your nose isn't broken, so clean yourself up and get back to work. Or I will BREAK IT!!. NOW GO!!!" Finn quickly left.

"Why did you do that?" Raven was holding her hand now.

"I didn't like him in the first place and I don't like people who cheat on their partner," Raven was just staring at Anya in shock "What?" Anya asks, wondering why she was looking at her like that.

"Clarke told me your people have multiple partners and its normal."

"Yes, my people do have multi partner relationships. But that doesn't mean I like people who go and sleep with other people behind their partner or partners backs."

"Oh, sorry for assuming."

"It's fine. I understand my people's dating life can be confusing, now come on let's get you to Nyko," it didn't take long for them to get to Nyko's tent, when they walked in Clarke greeted them.

"Hey Raven, Anya what you guys doing here?"

Raven lifts her hand "I messed up my hand," Clarke walked up to her, she grabbed Raven's hand and looked at it.

"Sit down on the table while I get the stuff for your hand," Clarke pointed to the table behind her, Raven sat on the table. Clarke got back a few seconds later she had a jar and wrap.

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