Chapter 12- Mistakes were made

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It was a little past sunrise when Tondc came into the group's view. Ontari looked over to her sister "Taim oso ge gon Tondisi, na yu hon daun idado kom Rosa den Tati en Ai na don bida gou solo,"(When we get to Tondc, could you take care of Rosa so Tati and I could have some time alone?,) Tara looked at Ontari with a smile on her face.

"Sha ai na dula op dei de gon yu biga did." (Yes I can do that for you big sister.) Tara wouldn't stop smiling at Ontari after.

"Hod op rien joka."(Stop smiling fucker.)

When they reached the gate Indra was the one to open the gate. She walks out with Eli the stable boy.

"Hei Indra. Weron Ai houmon?"(Hello Indra. Where's my wife?) Ontari said.

"Em ste gon yu hou a rid op,"(She is at your home asleep,) Ontari was not surprised, Tati's never been a morning person and never will be. Ontari got off her horse and took off her bags as well, after Ontari handed the reins of her horse to Eli she started to walk to her house, Tara followed.

It was silent as they walked to Ontari's house."Is Rosa still afraid of horses?" Tara asked.

"No. Not anymore, she adores them now," as they got near Tati's house, they saw Raven quickly walking into Lexa's house and Lexa leaving.

"Hello Heda," Ontari and Tara gave Lexa a bow.

"Hello Ontari. Hello Tara, welcome back to Tondc, since you're back I won't have to deal with your sad wife anymore."

"Don't worry Heda, you won't have to deal with my wife for a while."

"Good, now I have to go, enjoy your day," Lexa gave them a simple nod then left.

Right when Ontari opened the door to her house, Rosa tackled her legs "Hello my little gona, I missed you," Ontari picked Rosa up and started kissing her face, this caused the little brunette to giggle.

"Nomon stop. I missed you too."

"I know I just got here but I need to talk to your momma ok, but you will be with Tara."

Rosa gave the azgeda gona her adorable pouty face "ok Ai hod yu in nomon." (I love you mom)

"I love you too," Ontari kissed Rosa's forehead, then gave the little brunette over to her sister.

"Let's go see how the horses are doing," Tara picked up Rosa and left.

Ontari walked into her bedroom to find Tati knocked out cold, The azgeda gona slowly crawled across the bed "you've gotten your sleep, now fuck you wife, she hasn't been able to get off properly without you," She leaned down to bite Tati's ear

"Nope. I think I'll sleep some more," Tati turned to look at Ontari with a smile, Tati grabbed Ontari's face and kissed her. "Don't worry I'm wide awake now"

"Good, now fuck me."

Raven's pov--

"Hey can you come with me to see if Anya and Lexa are back from their run yet?"

"Yeah. lets go," Clarke opened the door for me "My lady" Clarke said with a bow. This made me laugh.

"Why thank," I said with a smile, but right when I got out the door, the first thing I saw was Finn. "Great," I was planning on talking to Finn but I didn't want to talk to him right now.

"Hey Raven could we talk," Finn had his hands in his pocket, I just looked at him for a few seconds before I said something.

"Can't right now Finn. I have to do something important."

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