Chapter 4- Tondc

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"Nomon can you tell me a story we've been walking for so long"Rosa says with a pouty face

"Ok let's see how about the story of Mulan"Tati says with a little smile

"Yes I love that one"Rosa starts jumping while walking

"But which one the real one or the happier one"

Rosa seems to be thinking about which one she wants to hear the she finally decides" can you tell me the real one right now and the happy one later when I go to bed"

"Yes Mija ok you ready"


"There once was a girl named Hua Mulan she didn't quite fit the mold of what young woman were supposed to be at that time sh-"Rosa cuts Tati off

"What where woman supposed to be like"Rosa asked confused

"Well they didn't do a lot of the things me and you do they would think it to be unladylike and they would look at you in shame for it woman weren't supposed be warriors at that time woman were only supposed to find a man to marry but let me finish the story then I'll tell you what it was like for woman then" Tati ask with a smile on her face

"Ok"Rosa has a big smile on her face

"Mulan found out that her father was to be sent into war her father was proud and dedicated to be serving his country but Mulan thought that her father was to old to fight and he would die in battle so the only thing she could do was to take her father's armor and disguise herself as a man and take his place now Mulan wasn't just going into battle without knowing how to fight she was already a skilled archer and sword fighter even if she didn't have any weapon she could hold her own with just her hands she joins a band of men training to be soldiers and ended up fighting with them for 12 years and all those years she never revealed who she truly was and finally after those 12 years she had led them to victory in gruesome battle the emperor himself wanted to offer mulan a reward she just simply asked for permission to go home he's says that she can go home but when she does to go home she reveals who she is this surprised her fellow soldiers her family is happy that she is finally home"

"What is that the end"Octavia comes from behind Tati

"Yes well there are other versions where it has a darker ending one even has mulan taking her life in the end wait have never heard this story"

"No I've never heard anything about a mulan so I'm assuming that the happy one has a better ending"

"Yeah I think it does maybe I'll tell you it sometime later" Octavia nods with a smile on her face

"That was a good story though and was a good way to kill a little time"
Clarke jumps in

"It's a very old story and yeah we're almost there you can actually see up ahead right there"Tati points in front of them

"Oh thank god my feet are killing me" Murphy says exhausted

"INDRA!! OPEN THE GATE!!" Tati shouts this as they get closer to the gate

Indra comes walking out with two other men "Who are these people"

"They are the sky people I told about they mean no harm let's get them some food and get some fire water that'll get calm"

"What's sky kru"Octavia asks Rosa

"It's you. you are the sky people"

"Don't worry Indra we've been planning for their arrival for a long time they're here now let's just get this done with and there is dead panthers not to far from where they land it's just before the river and when is the commander supposed to arrive"

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