Chapter 13- Vete a la mierda (fuck you)

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Lexa's pov-

"Nia's men spotted you leaving Azgeda," I said to Ontari still looking at the letter Nia sent. "She seems not too pleased with you being in Azgeda," I looked up at Ontari. The Azgeda warrior had her arms crossed and her jaw clenched.

"I don't care what she has to say anymore. She also didn't exile me so I'm free to walk Azgeda lands," Ontari said with venom in her voice. I sighed and threw Nia's letter on the table then looked at Ontari.

"Yes I know," I said as I crossed my arms "Nia can't help but complain about it though." After I was done talking, Ontari had looked down at the table and started to grip the table edges until her knuckles were white, I could tell that the mention of Nia had gotten her agitated. "You have a good daughter,"I said as I grabbed my sword and put it back in it's sleeve, Ontari looked at me confused.

"I know Heda. But what made you say that right now?"

"She said if you got stressed or angry, to take you to where they are so she could cheer you up," Ontari laughed at what I said. "Come on," it took only a few minutes for us to walk to the stables. When we got there Eli and Tara had finished cleaning the horses and started to put the saddles on them.

"They ready to ride little sister?" Ontari asked, Tara quickly turned around, bowed to me and smiled.

"Yes. The black stallion for Heda and the snow white beauty for you big sister," Tara said as she grabbed the reins to the horses and walked over to me and Ontari giving us the reins. Ontari and I got on the horses at same time "Be nice to snowball Ontari."

"I will. Now move, I need to see my wife and daughter," Ontari said with a small smile, we rode up to the gate stopping for a few seconds.

"Indra. Open the gate," As soon as Indra opened the gate Ontari took off, I chased after her. It only took a few seconds for me to get side to side with the Azgeda warrior. "What are you doing?"

"I'd like to get to my family faster. Show me the Heda," After Ontari said that, I raced ahead so she could follow. It was only two minutes later that Ontari and I stopped abruptly because we saw Octavia running with an arrow in her shoulder, we got off our horses and took out our swords. When we started to walk towards Octavia, someone started shooting, making us quickly take cover behind the trees.

"Anece hir, kep in su gon yu," (Stay here, keep their focus on you,) Ontari nodded her head. I quickly ran off towards the shooter and took quick cover with Octavia behind another tree. The skai girl was groaning as she held onto the arrow in her shoulder she was about to take out the arrow, "No don't do that. The arrow is keeping you from bleeding out and with the arrow head still on it could tear up the inside of your shoulder, just leave it be for now," I grabbed her face so she could look at me. "I'll get you to Nyko as fast as I can."

"Ok,"Octavia nodded, as I was about to leave she grabbed my arm. "They took Clarke and the rest of the group. Tati killed one but they knocked her out," I clenched my jaw and nodded.

"Don't mention this to Ontari," I left and saw where the shooter was posted behind on a boulder, I snuck up to him and cut off his hand that was on trigger.

"AAAHHHHHH!! YOU FUCKIN BITCH," He let go of his gun and got on his knees grabbing his arm. Then he started to choke and puke up blood and fell on his back, then he stopped moving. I grabbed his gun and the belt around his waist with the gadgets, then left his body for the animals to eat. I went to check on Octavia to see if she was ok, She wasn't awake when I got to her. I bent down so I could be eye level with her.

"Octavia wake up," She wasn't responding but she was breathing, I put the gun strap and the belt on my shoulder, I picked up Octavia gently and carried her to the horses. "Ride ahead and get Nyko as fast as you can, GO!!" Ontari left as fast as she could. "Octavia you got to wake up," As soon as I got us both on the horse I tried getting Octavia to wake up on the way to Tondc "Come on Octavia, WAKE UP!!" When I got to the gate Nyko rushed to me. I carefully handed her to him. As Nyko left with Octavia I walked over to Ontari "Come with me,"I started to walk to Raven workshop/Tati's back yard.

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