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Rosas pov-

My breathing is all I hear my nomon told me to run and get Indra but I'm lost this isn't the way to tondc I hear something load but I don't get to think about it to much cause I trip over a root sticking out from a tree"ow jok yu"(fuck you)I get back up and then I see it the big metal thing it's shaped liked a box it starts to open there's a lot of people in it a girl starts to walk out

I start to run towards them and I shout for help"ai nomon"(my mom) they're looking at me like I'm a pauna they stand there just looking at me I walk up to the girl that was walking out of the box I pull on her arm "ai nomon"(my mom) then a blonde girl comes towards me

"Hi sweetie whats wrong what's your name" she bent down to look at me eye to eye

"Ai laik Rosa kom trikru"I say but she seems confused maybe she doesn't know trigedasleng"I said I am Rosa of the tree people"

The blonde smiles at me"well it's nice to meet you Rosa whats got you so scared"

"My mom she's hurt she's fighting the panthers off as long as she can but there to many for her handle" I start to pull on the blondes shirt now "please my mom needs hel-" I get cut off by the sound of my mom screaming my name

"ROSA!! AI HODNESS!! ROSA!!" I see her running towards me I let go of the blonde and I run into my nomons arms

"Son yu uen"(are you ok) my nomon asks I look at her face blood sprinkled on it not to much though

"Ai laik uen"(I am ok) she grabs me and hugs me tight and kisses me on my forehead but then she let's go and falls back

"Nomon!!" I go to her side and start shaking her I turn around to look at all the people they all had left the box and we're surrounding us now"please help my mom!! Please help" I start to cry then the blonde girl comes over

"Hey Rosa I'm going to do everything I can to help her ok now I'm going to need you to tell me her name ok can you do that Rosa" I nod wiping my tears away

"Her names Tati"

"Ok you four help me get her inside the drop ship Octavia get your brother and some others to get the parachute from drop ship" the four guys the blonde pointed at picked my nomon up and carried her into the thing they called the drop ship

"How would the parachute help"Octavia ask Clarke

" I need something that could be used as gauze" Octavia nods her head then her and Bellamy go get the parachute

1 hour later

My nomon was sleeping peacefully Clarke had said she'd be ok for now so that's good

"Who are you what clan are from" I ask Clarke she looks up at me

"What do you mean what clan am I from" the girl Octavia walked over to us and sat next to Clarke

"Yeah what do you mean kid"

"I mean what clan are you from like Me and my mom we are from trikru the tree people" I say with a smile I'm proud to be trikru

"What other clans are there" Octavia asks

"Well there are 12 clans Azgeda ice nation my other mom is from this clan, floukru the boat people, Sankru the sand people, Delfikru, trishana , ingranrona, ouskejon kru,
Louwoda kliron, boudalan ,and finally yujleda those are all the clans. we used to be all separate but when Heda came into command she United us all and stopped the fighting" I say all this with a happy face heda is the best warrior she can defeat anyone even both my nomons

"Wow after raising and loving you, you still like lexa more than your nomons"I turn to see my nomon is awake I hug her but she lets out a hiss

"Careful Rosa she still has open wounds" I lean back to sitting position

"Thank you clarke I need to get back to tondc I need to tell Indra about the panthers"Clarke look at nomon weirdly

"How did you know my name?"

"I was some what awake earlier I heard someone say the name clarke and also Octavia so I took a shot in the dark I guess I was right" nomon says with a little smirk

"Nomon stop lying tell them the truth" I say this and it makes Octavia and clarke have a panicked look

"Tell us what" Octavia and clarke said at the same time

"Rosa and the rest of our people think I can see things from the future"

"But it's true nomon you predicted that the ripas would turn back to normal with time" I'm starting to get annoyed with my nomon

"Ai no Rosa "(I cant rosa) she starts to get up

"Hey hold up you can't be walking around you have three cuts on your side they won't heal properly if you don't be careful" Clarke says as she puts a hand on my nomons shoulder

"I need to get to tondc there I can get the proper stuff to heal up and I need to tell Indra where the panthers are so they could get the bodies before another animal eats them"Nomon starts to walk out of the drop ship and all of the kids were outside sitting on the ground and they get up looking at my nomon

"I forgot to ask do you happen to know where mount weather is there we could get supplies that would help us all"Clarke says as she fallows nomon

"You cant and will not go to the mountain so if you wanna live you will not go to the mountain"my nomon says sternly

"What would kill us I thought you said you killed the panthers" Octavia says a little panicked

"The mountain is not empty the people inside have killed thousands of people children ,warriors they have killed people who didn't do anything and yet they took and killed our people and they will kill you too if you don't stay away from them oh and to top it off they have acid fog it'll kill you if your in it so do not go in that direction"my nomon points to were the mountain is"there is a river over there if you go near the river it means your in the area where the fog could get you"

"WHAT!!!??"everyone says

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