22 ☑️

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Hey guys, I know I said this month I won't publish anything, but I can't leave my babies. At the end of the previous chapter I warned you that I may get little bloody in this chapter and I did. If you don't want to read it, just read what the characters are saying.

In case you like this chapter vote and in case it's something else or even that you liked it, let me know in the comments down bellow so I know what are the boundaries I should have. Or just say hi, I won't mind :) <3


Jessie walked through the hallway smirking over all the looks he got. Glares of fear, anger, shock and here and there he could see smirks that were on the faces for one of the two reasons - 1 they wanted him get his ass handed back to him or 2 they knew that he was going to win.

He had his knife by his hip and the tightest shirt he could find to show that he didn't feel need to have anything more than basic clothes and his knife. He took his place and looked coldly to the other side of the room. "Ready?" He asked with smirked.

Janice stood with folded arms over her chest. "Me? Yes, but even tho you asked for me specifically to fight you, I decided to not do so. You're going against Amelia, I know shocker." She cocked her eyebrow and motioned for the girl to walk to her.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to fight a girl who's ex-girlfriend you with your husband killed. Well that sounds quite like a stupid idea. I agreed to fight you to avenge the death by punishing those responsible, not because I was bored. I have better plans for my life." He laughed. "But sure, let's give you more blood of innocent people on your hands." He shrugged and sighed.

"Nobody in this room is innocent." Janice hissed and walked to her husband.

Jessie rolled his eyes. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, psycho. Next time you better not hide behind others." He motioned for Amelia to get ready. "Remember who you're dying for." He said to Amelia and nodded to start the fight.

Amelia's eyes looked through him. She heard him way too clearly for her to still believe Janice's words. She turned to older Hunt. "He's right. This entire problem is here because of you. You created this mess and you... you pathetic little piece of garbage caused your daughter's death." She motioned to the man on a wheelchair. "That chair is not punishment enough." She walked to Jessie and stood by him.

Jessie looked dead in the eye of the man. "It is, knowing that the boy who did it to him, had very good reason. He knows that his wife brought the boy in and he didn't help her guide him." He walked to the man. He took out his knife. "He knows that he helped the boy make the weapon that put him there. He knows he failed his daughter and he failed his wife." He handed the knife to the man.

Josh looked at it. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

Jessie smiled. "Try to kill the person who you think is responsible for your daughter's death. Warning-" Josh threw the knife at Jessie. "Wrong answer. You should have let me finish." His eyes filled with two big crazy fires. "Good luck surviving this." He said and threw the knife into Josh's chest hitting the heart dead on. "Freshly sharpened, honey." He pulled the knife out letting some blood get on his shirt. "Oops, my wife isn't going to be happy, this was her favorite."

He shrugged and wiped the bloody knife against his own shirt cutting it here and there. "He wasn't part of this." Janice looked at Jessie trying to stop the bleeding even tho everyone knew it had no point.

Boy rolled his eyes. "The three of us are the rotten parts of this, thanks for that by the way, so I can assure you that he was very much part of this." He put the knife back into the holder. He looked around seeing confused, proud, shocked looks and few smiles. He looked specifically at Amelia to her reaction.

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