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Jessie left the room to go talk to the cops in the playroom. He walked through the hallway and everyone, who he met, lowered their head. They saw his evolution and it scared them just as much as the truth he spoke.

He walked into the room and locked the door behind him. "Good afternoon, gentlemen." He greeted them as he walked to face them. Veronica groaned - she was very close to death. "I came here with job offer." He said. With the next groan from the woman he walked to her and slices her throat to give her the last punishment before death - suffocating.

He went back to them and looked into their eyes. "What's in it for us besides freedom?" One of them asked.

Jessie smiled. "You can do whatever you want with that freedom, for example eat and drink whenever you please, take a shower, talk to other people and finally do something more than sitting." He explained to them the most obvious basics.

The one asked again. "What's the job?"

"Glad to hear that you're interested. The position is my wife's bodyguard. There are moments when I can't be around her even though I want and I don't trust this people anymore. If you accept, I will give you time to get back in shape and maybe train you a little. You have 24 hours to decide." He patted their shoulders. "I am going to get you something to eat." He informed them and left.

The cops looked at each other and then at the already dead body beside them. Pascal had to look away quicker than he'd like. "Will you take it?" He asked with weak voice.

"I don't want to, but at the same time I don't want to stay here. Plus if we go back to work, we'll have to come arrest him and that would either start a war or cost you your life. O don't think we have much of a choice." Paro said. He didn't like that option, but he knew there was no other way. "Plus our entire schedule is follow one girl around. Where's trained to fight nd take a bullet for others."

Pascal nodded tried to look back at the corpse, but failed as soon as he saw the first drops of blood. "He just killed her here."

"He was killing her slowly. Honestly I would do the same if our best friend threatened your life - slow and painful death. This was just his mercy that he let her die after all the time." He shrugged. After that they sat in silence until Jessie came back.

He had two baguettes filled with tons of things to eat. "Here I am. I will let both of your hands go to let you eat. Once your ropes are gone, I will put my knife aside where you can take it in case you want to kill me. Once you're finished you can either out that corpse into that machine or tell me to let you go and you'll be free." He said and cut the robes that were holding their hands behind their back.

They took their food and within a minute there was nothing left of it. "I have few guests, so let's make it quick - if you want to work as my wife's bodyguards, throw the body into the machine, if not either take the knife and try-but-fail to kill me or just leave." He said and leaned against the wall behind him.

The men looked at each other and then took and threw the body into the machine. "It's the easiest way." One of them breathed out.

"Good. I hope you won't mind staying here for a bit longer, I have to deal with the guests." He asked without asking.

They shrugged knowing that the punishment is over. Jessie nodded, took his knife and left them there to go back to the room he shared with his wife. There were 2 girls outside the room and when they noticed him, they went white. "Sorry, we just heard new voices and wanted to know who's here."

"It's okay. I don't mind. Who were you checking out, which one of my sisters, not that I would judge. They are beautiful, not my type, but still beautiful." He whispered, he didn't want the visitors to hear them.

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