7 ☑️

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She was in middle of nowhere. She could barely see anything. Just few trees around her. Everything else was white. She had no idea how she got there. Last thing she remembered is snuggling in her husband's chest. She could still remember his smell and his wet hair. He was freshly out of shower after he spent few hours with cops.

She walked around, calling out his name. She wanted to get to him. She needed to get to him. She was scared. She didn't know where she was. She wasn't even sure if she'd rather stay alone or find someone there. All she was sure of was that she needed to find her husband. He would gladly take care of her, just like always.

Her foot got stuck between roots she couldn't see and fell down. Her ankle hurt, but the adrenaline started getting in her blood to keep her up in case of any danger. She didn't know what to expect. How could she?

She quickly stood up and started walking again. She didn't feel safe, so she figured she should start moving. She walked by all the trees, not knowing if she will get to see someone behind one of them. What if she would and that someone wouldn't be so nice?

As she thought that. She heard steps behind her. She didn't know whether to start running or stop walking. She wasn't even sure if those weren't her own steps echoing. All she knew was that she wasn't going to turn to look.

She decided to stop walking and listen. As she did her only thought was wishing she never did it. Besides steps she heard breathing as well. Loud breathing as if someone ran for very long time

"I found you," the voice said happily. "I thought I lost you," he hugged her. It felt like her husband, but she knew it wasn't him. It didn't feel right. She whimpered. "Don't scare me like this ever again," he sighed and rested his forehead on her shoulder. "I thought I will die with only a thought, but I found you," she quickly pulled herself away from him.

It looked like him, but he would never let something like this happen. He was torn and bleeding everywhere. "Oh," she whispered. She was scared even more than before. "What happened to you?" she wanted to look closer, but she was terrified to get near him again.

"I don't know. It came and left me like this. It ran away because it sensed something somewhere else," his knees buckled and he fell down to his knees. He did his best to stay up for as long as possible. "Run so it won't get you too," he whispered before he started coughing. Then blood came out. "Run," he fell back.

She whimpered again and started backing up until her back met with something hard. She jumped away and started running. She didn't know if it was tree or something living, she just ran. Then hand grabbed her collar and pulled her back. "Where do you think you're going?" voice of woman who tried to kill her came from behind her. "You ran from me once, I'm not letting you leave again."

Her eyes started watering. "Stop, please," she did her best to get away, but she had no chance.

"And why would I do that? The only thing that stopped me before was your lovely husband, but we both know where he is right now. So now I can show you what he taught me," she knelt down to her victim. "You saw your lovely protector and that means you know what will happen to you," she caressed the cheek of girl shaking in fear.

"Please stop. I didn't do anything to you," she whimpered and tried to get away from knife that was getting dangerously close.

"There's no way how you can get away from this. You had your chance and now it's my time," the knife met girl's skin and made cut. What could be more frightening? She didn't have any control over her body. "You have no idea why I do everything and once I will succeed, you will only be able to watch my master plan."

"Please let me go. I want to go home," she started crying. Everything started sinking and it was getting scarier and even less barrable. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because you took my hero from me. You changed him. He was ruthless and now he's weakass who's not able to keep his word," she pressed her knife further into her skin. "I will never forgive you that," she grunted.

And light sizzle and knife-girl fell down. To surprise of everyone who didn't expect it - she was dead.

Cut that was there after the knife wasn't exactly shallow, but it wasn't critical, so she quickly stood up and started running. She didn't know where, all she was sure about is that stopping would be her death. She didn't want to die yet. She wanted to show the world that she isn't useless.

That's when another sizzle came and branch little bit about her head fell down in front of her feet and she had no chance to not trip over it. She didn't give up. She quickly got back on her feet and started moving again.

It started to feel like nightmare and that it wasn't real. Her husband wouldn't lose fight with his student that should be locked up. She knew that he wouldn't let something like this happen to her. Not when they met and definitely not today when they are finally showing that they care about one another.

If she only knew that she couldn't wake up because she was already awake. That she was there because of sleep paralysis. That her husband couldn't help her until she calms down a bit.

But, how could she calm down when her friend killed her husband then got shot by accident and now that person is trying to kill her? Things were worse than any horror movie she had saw throughout her whole life.

She felt like her breathing is less and less affective, so she hid behind one of the trees and tried to take deep breaths. She thought she will fall asleep - she felt very tired.

She sat down and her head fell down. She fell asleep. Next time she opened her eyes she was in her husband's arms. They were under their covers and her face was buried in his chest. "It's okay now. You're here and I'm going to protect you," he whispered to reassure her about her safety.

"Do you have her knife?" she asked without a single stutter.

He looked down at her with confusion written all over his face. "Of course. I made and I took it from her the moment she got it close to you with intention of hurting you. Why do you ask?" He was very curious about why his lovely wife would need knife that could kill her.

"I want to use it. Just once. I want to kill the person that wanted to hurt me," she said without a single emotion in her voice.

She wanted to see her old friend writhe in pain and then kill her. She wanted to be sure that the dream couldn't become real. She wanted to be sure that her husband will live by her side for as long as she lives. She wanted to live happy life with him until they're both in their 90s and then die happily without regrets.

He pulled her closer to him. "I won't let you destroy your soul the same way I did. The closest I will let you get is to hear about it. Yes I know I wanted you to come and watch, but now I know it was mistake and that I should protect you from becoming someone like me," he whispered into her hair.

"Please. I need to be sure that she's gone for good," she whimpered. "I don't want to risk."

"I will do it, but you won't come anywhere close to it," he said. "You know that I will do anything you ask for, but I don't want you to be more than wife of killer," he kissed her head and petted her back.

"Then promise me that you will do it as the first thing in the morning. I want her gone forever, under ground as ash," she looked deep into her eyes. He nodded and laid them back down. He reached and turned off the light. She wrapped her arms around her husband and snuggled up in his chest.

"Goodnight," he whispered and got his arms around her to reassure her that she's not alone.

"Goodnight," she mumbled and soon drifted off.


Hey there. I know it's a bit shorter, but there's coming long chapter once I update (Never) Leaving You. I will start chapter 5 once I'm done with it. But it would be better to read that chapter before you will read chapter 5.

Meaning = chapter 4 here
chapter 25 there
chapter 5 here
chapter 26 there

Bye, loves
- Hunter
29.01.2020 8:45am

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