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Originally chapter from book (Never) Leaving You but I thought it fits here more than there so I moved it :)


Every once in few months, there comes turn for Jessie to go shopping for everything the family is missing. Since he got himself Abia, she's everywhere with him.

His relationship with Abia got much better. You wouldn't believe that they weren't dating at least a bit before their wedding. They hug from time to time, they sleep cuddling and Abia gets kiss on head once in a while.

"Hey," she came up to him from behind and hugged him. "Are you ready to go?"

He got his knife from table, put it in its case on belt and turned around in her arms. "Yes. Are you ready? I won't push you to go."

She nodded. "My husband has some work and I'll be there with him, just like we promised," she smiled. He hugged her close to his chest and kissed her head. "They never knew who they had, until I got you. Now look at me, you helped me to become better person," she looked deep in his eyes, "thank you for that and everything else."

He caressed her cheek. "My pleasure, little girl," she smiled, when she heard her new nickname. "You-"

He got caught off guard, when door flew open and Veronica ran inside. "Sorry for ruining your lovely moment, but we have big problem. Two cops found out that some people are missing and somehow they got your name," she said. Jessie furrowed his eyebrows. It made no sense that those people had any connection with him specifically.

"Is it safe for him to go out?" Abia asked with slight fear in her voice.

"I have both my identity cards and by name of Bryce Jenn, I should be fine. But you're staying here, I won't put you in any kind of danger," he said to his wife. "No talking back. I will not risk what I gained till now. This is way too important for me to risk it. I'm going to shop, Veve, you text me names of those cops, so I'll know when it will get bad," he said to the other two people in the room. "Let Mistress and Mister Hunt know about the situation. I will let you all know, if anything will go wrong," he said and left the house.

Once he left the safe zone, he had his wallet ready. As he drove 10 kilometers away from city, some police car got behind him and followed him with the same speed and turns. He stopped his car at side and waited what those police officers would do. They stopped behind him. He stepped out of his car and walked to the end of his car to meet them there.

They stepped out as well. "Mister Jenn?"

"Used to be. What's the problem?" Jessie asked, leaning against the trunk of his car.

"We got tip that you know something about few people that are missing till this day. That's why we decided to find you and ask," officer 1 (from now as O1) said. He shrugged at them. "So do you know anything about anyone that would be missing?"

He shook his head as no. "Till now I didn't know someone is missing. I'm quite new to this city, so I don't know anyone from there. I live outside this city with my wife. I don't go there often enough to become friends with anyone. But if I can help, I will gladly do so, just tell me what I can do," he looked at them with the most innocent face he could make.

O1 motioned to knife holder on his belt. "What's that?"

Jessie took it out and handed it to them. "It's my new knife."

"Why do you have knife with initials that don't fit your name?" O2 asked, looking some more at the weapon in his hands.

Jessie chuckled. "Because I changed my name before I got it," he took out his wallet and handed them his identity cards. "I still carry them both just in case," he said.

They looked at it, then at him and then back at it. "Why did you change your name?" one of the officers asked.

"Because I didn't want to share my name with my biological mother. I don't hate her, but I'd prefer to never meet her again. That's last name and first name "Jessie" was logical choice for me as reminder of my adoptive mom," he said calmly. "So reminder of my past and that my choice changed a lot of things," he explained to them.

"Oh well we received call maybe three weeks ago that said that you killed the people we're looking for. That you cut them with your knife," O1 said as he handed him his identity cards. Jessie chuckled. "Do you mind if we take your knife to our lab for test?"

He shrugged. "It's more than possible that you will find blood on it. My ex stabbed me by accident and from what I know, water won't get down all the blood on things, just the visible part, there will be stains for some more time," he scratched back of his head, then lifted his shirt enough for them to see nasty soon-to-be full scar after stab with piece of vase.

They both sighed, before O1 spoke again. "Did you fill any report?" Jessie shook his head. "Why not?"

He shrugged once again. "It was silly accident. Plus she lives in different town hours away from here. I would say it's highly doubtful that it would happen again. Can I do something more to help you?"

One cop handed him his weapon back, while the other spoke: "We will come to you, if there's something you can do to help," they smiled at him bitterly. Jessie thanked and went back to driver's door. Then driving officer called after him: "Are you from The Hunt Family?"

"The who now? No, I don't know anyone besides my adoptive sister's ex, that would have that name," cops faces were red from anger and frustration.

"Have nice day, Mister Hunt," one of the cops called.

"Thank you. Good luck with your case. I hope you will catch your bad guy," he sat down to his seat and watched them going to their seats. Then he waited to see them leave and their way was a bit shocking to him, but he couldn't do more. He thought about for "a tiny" moment. He started moving again, when his phone started ringing. He picked it up, seeing his wife's name on the screen "Hey," he said gently.

Then he heard sobs from the other side. "Cops came and Frank told them too much, so we had to..."

He quickly turned the car around and went back home. "It's okay, teddy bear. I will be right there in moment. Everything is fine, you have nothing to be scared of. It's okay, I will be there soon," he tried to comfort his scared wife, but she kept on crying in fear.

"There was so much screaming," she whispered. "I can't find Veve, because she went to talk to Mistress Hunt. I stayed in our room, but that screaming was horror for me," she pouted, still crying.

He sped up his car, trying to get there quickly. "I will be there soon, just stay in our room and wait for me there. Don't go anywhere without me or Veve," he said feeling guilty that he didn't take her with him. She would be spared of that fear.

His originally 45 minutes long drive took him less than 20 minutes. "You came back quickly," Frank whistled.

Jessie almost ignored him, but then his anger raised much higher than he was able to control enough to ignore him fully. He pinned Frank against the wall next to the main door with knife on his neck. "Scare my wife once more and my words will change to actions," Jessie grunted to Frank's face and went to his wife that was scared of every molecule that went by their door. He opened the door and gently walked to her, making sure not to scare her. He pulled her to his arms and said: "It's fine. Nobody's going to hurt you," he whispered to her hair, giving her head light kisses. After long twenty minutes she finally calmed down, yet she still didn't let go of her husband.

She wanted to stay there little longer. "Thank you," whispered. Jessie picked her up, so if she'd fall asleep, she wouldn't fall down. She nuzzled to his shoulder, closing her eyes.

He smiled at her. "Sleep," he whispered next to her ear and started rocking slowly.

"No, I can't. It's noon. I can't sleep that much," she looked up at him. He sat on their bed and pulled her head back to his shoulder. "I'm not going to sleep in middle of a day."

"If you have sleepy eyes, then yes you are. Even if it's noon," he said gently. "I promised to take care of you and I will do it more than gladly," she sighed, but did as he told her. "Thank you. I will stay here and we can go shopping together later," she nodded and slowly drifted off.

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