14 ☑️

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Jessie knew why he had to sit. Bryce thought well - talking to Jessie without wasting too much of time in real world. He wanted to meet in the place where he spent time with Linny.

The only problem was that Jessie wasn't sure, if both of them could be there. After all Bryce didn't go there since he gave up the control. None of them were sure if he could even get there and back or what exactly it could do to their body.

Then he heard him again. "The worst that can happen is that one of us won't be able to get out. If it's you, I will somehow get you back and if it's me then you will be free of me. Isn't that what you want?"

Jessie sighed. He didn't want any of what was happening, well besides the injury of mister Hunter. He went to one of the empty rooms and sat in an armchair. Without further thinking he just went to the mindset. (I should probably name it.) One blink and he was in Bryce's old room.

Moment later Bryce himself walked in. "Well this means that we can talk face to face after all." Jessie said without looking at him. He was too busy going through Bryce's stuff that burnt to ashes quite a while ago.

"Nice to finally see you too. What should I call you, Ripper or Jessie? I mean neither of those are actually your name," Bryce walked to his bed and smiled sadly. He missed his room.

Jessie finally turned around. "Jessie is just fine, even though that's how my wife calls me, so Ripper would be better. How about I will leave it to you?" He asked with raised eyebrow. Bryce only shrugged. "So what exactly do you want to talk about? I don't know if you actually noticed back there, but I had job to do."

"Your friend was murdered, your wife was frightened to death and you nearly killed your superior. I think you need to choose what path of life you want. Do you want to live with your wife? Or do you want to be the murderer that married her only because he had to? You can't have both." Bryce said and leaned back.

Jessie let out a snort. "I can have both. Look at any other day of this. She loves me the way I am - I torture and kill people and she still loves me." He looked at his twin.

Bryce stood up and walked to Jessie. "You don't see it, do you? Your wife wants to be more with her husband. Plus now when you let Libby die, she needs your protection. You heard the boy, there will come others." He knew Bryce was right - Abia did need the best protection.

"I have to finish what I started with those cops and especially with that little traitor. She wanted to kill Abia, so she deserves to suffer." Jessie stabbed his finger into Bryce's chest.

Bryce took Jessie's shoulders. "She got close to Abia, because you weren't there. Everyone who gets close enough to Abia can get there because you aren't by her side. Say whatever you want, but from now on you'll know I'm right." The look that Bryce gave to Jessie gave the real body goosebumps.

Jessie pushed him away. "Don't test my patience."

"And what are you going to do then? Kill me? You already took everything I cared for. There's nothing you can do to me to shut me up." Bryce said with chuckle. That's when Jessie realized something very important - Bryce went crazy.

"I could let you out, but I don't want to see what you would do. You're crazy," Jessie chuckled. "You talked about me as if I was crazy, but the truth is that I wasn't the insane one. You were just very good actor. All you needed were months to go crazy. Now imagine being stuck there for 18 years. That's what I can do to you. I control the body and I am the one who can put you into something much scarier that hearing about my day from me." Bryce chuckled and shrugged.

He didn't care anymore. People that he cared about already forgot about him or thought that he was Jessie. He didn't want to return and go through meeting them all over again. All he used to care about was being with Linny and making sure Kimy was happy and safe. From what he heard Linny stabbed him and Kimy wasn't exactly happy to see him.

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