18 ☑️

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Jessie walked out of the mansion hand-in-hand with his wife. His driver just came back with 3 other people - Helen, Kimy and John. Jessie talked to Mistress Hunt and she allowed John to come.

As the driver opened the door for the three guests, Jessie pulled his wife closer to him with his hand around her hips. He wanted her as close to him as possible. When the newcomers were close enough he smiled sadly. "Welcome. I wish we could meet under better circumstances, but sadly this is the truth." He bowed his head to show some respect and led them inside, where they met Janice. "Mistress Hunt, this is Kimberly and John Jenn and as you remember - Helen." He introduced them.

She smiled sadly. "Nice to meet you. I was hoping to meet his biological family under better circumstances than my daughter's death. I'm glad you're here to pay some respect. I hope Jessie won't have to show anything ugly today, it's already a sad day." She looked at him proudly.

"Nothing to be afraid of, ma'am." He promised.

Janice led them to the same hall where Jessie married Abia. Helen was allowed to be in the front row along with Bryce, Abia, Josh (who was on wheelchair) and Amelia. For the sake of everyone there, Helen and Amelia haven't met nor seen the other's picture before the funeral.

Janice talked about her daughter and how much she meant to her and then she let her husband speak as well. He said pretty much the same as Janice and added how sorry he was that his order got his daughter killed. Both girls (Helen and Amelia) had their knuckles white from clinching their fists quite hard from anger. Their ex died because of a mistake her family did.

After both Janice and Josh's speeches, Janice called Jessie to say something as well. He wasn't sure why, but he did what he was told to do. "Keep eye on her." He whispered both to Helen and Amelia. He walked to the front and turned to everyone.

(It's going to be longer so it will be a bit divided)

"When I first got here, it was because I wanted to follow wishes of few people and that was to let Libby have the freedom she always wanted. She wanted to be free so she could create her own happiness without anyone telling her when and where to jump. I came here and I was mostly welcomed by people who never even heard of me, at least to my knowledge.

I thought that when Libby would come back, she would be treated the same way I was - as family member - with respect and sort of love. She was here for few hours, doing exactly what she was ordered to do - exact opposite of what she wanted - and she got killed by one of you in her sleep. One of you did something that even I - a murderer - find disrespectful and disgusting. One of you killed her while she slept. That is exact opposite of what family should do to one another.

This act makes me realize how blind you all are - you trust the person sitting next to you even tho they might be one of the people who killed her. Why I say people you ask. Well it's because the intended target was my wife and there were at least 2 other people who tried to kill Abia that night. Libby offered to sleep in our room so she would actually protect my wife and one of you didn't even bother to look.

So now look around and think about who you will trust, because you never know who's not going to look and maybe next time it will be you." Jessie looked at everyone in the room. There was complete silence and everyone was looking back at him or down at their feet or looking around. "I hope that Libby's last moments opened your eyes even to see where the truth is."

He went to stand by Janice and Josh with his eyes on Abia. They all paid their respect to Libby with minute of silence and then her casket was taken to her place beside her grandmother. They went together behind the casket. Jessie holding Abia's hand as gently as he could, but strong enough to be sure he can feel her close to him. He didn't want to lose her.

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