25 ☑️

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Hey guys, new chapter is here along with few others, leading to the end of this book and The Queer as well. But no need to worry, read the author's note after the last chapter - little surprise that I hope you'll like.

Well enjoy :)


Every two days, Jessie came to check up on his little rabbit. When he was good enough for more lessons, Abia came to learn something new. At the end of the month, Jessie put 2 weeks break to let the man heal as best as he could. Abia felt a bit weird about it, she wanted more and Jessie could read it just by her constant looks at her knife.

"You're addicted, aren't you? It feels so nice that you want to keep going no matter what it does to your soul." He looked at her and pulled her closer.

She leaned against him and pulled him for a kiss. "I might be, but are you going to stop me?" She looked into his eyes.

He shook his head. "I won't stop you, it's too much of a good feeling. I just might slow you down, because we only have one person at the most." He laid down with her on his chest.

She stared into his eyes. "Can't we get someone else in the mean time?" She pouted.

Jessie shook his head. "Everyone has been behaving, so there is nobody to punish." He caressed her cheek. "Be patient, my little claw?" She smiled over the nickname.

A knock on their door interrupted their time. Jessie walked to the door and opened them. "What's going on?" He looked at a man holding Jax down on the ground.

Man bowed his head. "I'm sorry for disturbing, but you asked to have all the people, who try to escape, brought right to you." He pushed Jax closer to Jessie.

Jessie knelt down to the younger person. "Well this is rather disappointing." He picked Jax up. "I thought that you'd be more grateful for what I did for your little ass." He threw them into the room. "Thank you, you're free to go." He closed the door and turned to Jax.

They back all the way to the wall and gulped as he walked up to them. Abia moved on the bed to see what was happening. "What did you do for him?"

Jessie looked at her. "For them. And what I did is allowing to alter their body to make them feel more like themselves." He knelt down to his friend. "But apparently it wasn't enough."

Jax squeezed themselves into a tight ball. "It's not me that I don't like." They whispered.

Jessie smiled and looked at his wife. "Did you hear that?" He asked and picked the smaller body. "You, my friend, need to be more careful with your words, otherwise you may lose your tongue." Jessie pushed them against the wall. "Try running away again and I will let my wife have a moment with you. And little warning, she is more aggressive and I like it that way." Jax nodded quickly. Jessie let them go and they fell to the ground. "Now go before I change my mind." Jax ran out of the room.

Abia looked at him. "Why did you let him go? He was exactly what I asked for." She glared at her husband.

Jessie looked sternly back at her. "Because if I let him go, more people will think that it's fine to break the rules. Then the fun time can begin." He walked closer to her. "There is no need to be mad. Just give it some time to work and then you will beg for time to rest." He leaned over her.

She smiled and her eyes filled with little crazy sparks. "I definitely won't." She pulled him down for on more kiss before she stood up and left the room. Jessie took his knife from the wood on his night stand and went after her. She went to Jax to talk to him... at least at first.

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