24 ☑️

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Hey guys, new chapter is here along with few others, leading to the end of this book and The Queer as well. But no need to worry, read the author's note after the last chapter - little surprise that I hope you'll like.

Well enjoy :)


Abia woke up still in Jessie's arms. She turned around and snuggled close to him. "Good morning, beautiful." He said with his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning, handsome." She looked up at him. She leaned up kissed his cheek. Then she rested her head back on his chest. "It was only few days, but I felt like it was weeks."

He moved his hand to her cheek and gave it few strokes. "I hope I won't have to leave you like that ever again." He whispered and closed his eyes again. He nuzzled his face into her hair. He started falling asleep, when someone knocked on the door. He sighed and went to look. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm sorry to annoy you, but there's someone who wants to talk to you." Paro said.

Jessie chuckled. "Sure. After all, I have some new things to do, don't I? Can I just say how much I like that everything coming to me is going through you two?" Paro smiled and nodded. "Okay. Stay with Abia in the mean time. I hope it won't take long." Jessie stepped away to let Paro in and then walked out, going to his new office.

Right by the door stood a person that seemed quite new or one of the few that managed to go by Jessie unnoticed. "I'm sorry to ask for you this soon, but I was hoping we could discuss this, sir."

Jessie walked to the door and opened it for the person to walk in first. "What can I do for you, my friend?"

They took deep breath, before they answered. "Our previous leaders were very much against it and since everyone knows that both of your sisters aren't straight, I thought you'd be more supportive of what I want to ask for." Person gulped a little.

Jessie chuckled. "I should clarify something. Only one of them is my sister, the other isn't anymore. But please, keep going. I am willing to listen to almost anything." He motioned for the scared person to continue.

"I-" They stopped themselves to take a deep breath again. "I'm not like you." They took another shaky breath. "I'm actually non-binary and I was wondering whether you would mind letting the doctors help me." They looked into their lap.

Jessie smiled. "If this is your biggest problem, then you have nothing to worry about. How do you want me to refer to you?" Their eyes shot up and small smile came out. "I have much weirder secrets than that. Plus I don't judge people that easily."

"Well I would really like they/them pronouns and name Jax, but everyone here already knows my dead name and I'm not sure how they would react." They said.

Jessie smiled. "Listen here, Jax, if you decide you're ready, I will be there to have your back. Don't ever think you can't come to me for help, okay?" Jessie smiled little bit more and offered them a hug.

Jax's eyes filled with few tears and they accepted the hug offer. "Thank you." They whispered.

Jessie rubbed their back. "You're welcome." They let go. "Anything more I can do for you?"

"You've already done more than I expected." They wiped their eyes.

Jessie chuckled. "I know, I come off as this cold stone, but that's only until I feel trust to certain people. You seem like someone I would take as my son without a problem." He patted their shoulder.

Jax looked down with huge grin on their face. "Maybe there is one thing that I would like to ask for." Jessie shook his head with chuckle. "Could you maybe teach a bit of your knife tricks?"

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